Sunday, September 4, 2011

Salt Lake City Utah

We went to SLC for a few days. It wasn't supposed to be a fun visit. We went to find out about when they would do Brandon's hip surgery. So we were nervous and anxious to see what the doctor had to tell us. He has been having more pain and swelling lately and last year she told us surgery would definatley occur in a year. Its been a year, and well, prayers are answered! His hip looked really good. The part that they thought would have to be replaced didn't look bad at all! She said, 'see you next year'! PHEW! What a relief! So gave Brandon some meds to try for the arthritis and pain. Lets hope it helps!

On our drive down (or up - I never know what is the right way to say it) anyways, we met Kelly in Rock Springs at his hotel. He has been working at La Barge all week. I was so excited to catch up with him. We usually only get to see him once a year in the summer so that was awesome. We went to his room and he fed us KFC and let my kids wreak havoc on his room for an hour. I was so glad we got to see Kel. I miss all my brothers so that was awesome!

We did some good school clothes shopping and then the kids were introduced to the 'ESCALATOR'. Apparently we don't get out enough. I thought Weylon was gonna have a heart attack he was so excited to see 'moving stairs'. So Brandon let them go up and down a few times and they laughed so hard. They thought it was greater than a Lagoon ride! Poor kids, Brandon and I decided we do need to get out more, if that is what excites our children. We then met some good friends at the CHEESECAKE FACTORY. This was so DELICIOUS! And we left so fat and full. Then Brandon took the kids swimming at the motel and we all slept so good that night, NO ONE MOVED ALL NIGHT LONG! I love those kind of nights! They make me so happy! Then we drove our LONG DRIVE HOME on Saturday. It was a fun QUICK trip. Brandon is going to KILL me for posting this picture but it is so dang cute. I had to do it. Sorry hun! I didn't dare get in the pool or let Memphis swim yet. It was really cold water.
All in all it was a great weekend and a nice break. It was good to spend some time together since Brandon works so much lately.

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