Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September 2011

"A happy family is but an earlier heaven."
~ Sir John Bowring

I have a few pictures to post from September. Savanna and Weylon went to the dentist. And Weylon didn't run out screaming! WOOHOO! He was even excited! I tell you what, he is a new changed boy since he started kindergarten! He has done so good and he is progressing so well. Savanna started swim lessons through the school. I love that Rozet takes 2 weeks and buses all the kids to Gillette every day for swim lessons. And the school pays for them!! I like things for free! :)

My poor OakLeigh has had swollen tonsils for 7 weeks now. I have taken her to 3 different doctors and finally the E.N.T., Dr. Davis, decided we are taking her tonsils out. So in 2 more days, she will be really miserable but I hope to see her bounce back quickly and finally feel good. She has been one ornery turd lately, but I am sure its cause she doesn't feel good. And even though its a simple procedure I am so nervous for her. I know it will go good, its just that I am a huge worrier.

We had stake conference 2 weeks ago and Brother Russell M. Nelson came and spoke. It was amazing! He had all the primary kids stand up on their chairs and sing I am A Child of God. I was blubbering like a big ole baby of course. It was really special and I hope my kids will remember it. Memphis needed fed, so I snuck to the back of the camplex (conference was in the camplex where they hold the HSNFR) to hide and feed him and left Brandon up front(ish) with the other 3. He was so mad at me by the time conference was over, cause I never went back. I sat in the back while Memphis slept and I actually got to listen! Apparently the kids were little stinkers. He made them sit on the couch with arms folder for one full hour and practice being reverent. But since he only gets to go to church like 1x a month, I NEVER get to listen cause I am dealing with 4 stinkers all alone. So I didn't really feel that bad for him. HA HA!

OH and we also ripped out our carpet and put in laminate floor. It looks so awesome! We pulled staples out for like 6 hours and we all had blisters on our fingers. Brandon and Jared worked really hard and finished it on Saturday! We have to finish the transitional pieces and put the base board back on the walls, but it looks so nice and so far, the upkeep is so easy! WOOHOO! I love it! Hopefully when we get ready to sell this place it will help!

Here is OakLeigh being silly in the car on the way home from Rapid City!

OakLeigh snuck in Krypto while I was in the shower and hid her in her blanket! Stinky dog was loving that!

Memphis is such a happy boy! He is almost too big for this bounch chair thing.

Weylon at the dentist! He looks scared but did great!

Savanna at the dentist! She was so excited!

Memphis is such a silly boy!

Working on the new flooring. Almost done here!

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