Monday, September 12, 2011

God Bless America!

I will always remember what I was doing on September 11th, 2001. I was home in Lyman taking care of my parents dog Chloe. My dad was already living in Farmington NM and working. Mom was in Dalton, Georgia visiting Kel and Sara, awaiting the arrival of the birth of Lauren. She was late! Mom had already been there over a week and was due to fly back on the 11th. I had a long night because I had so many weird noises scare me in the night. And Chloe was as big a chicken as me. The power had gone out. And we both hid under the covers for a while. lol...When I finally fell asleep it was 4 in the morning. I woke up to my friend Tiffany calling me. Asking me if I was watching the news. She said turn on the tv and watch. What flight is your mom on? At that time, it was still too fresh on the news too know what flights had been hijacked. Talk about panic. I called over and over and over again. And couldn't reach my mom. Finally I was able to get a hold of her. She was still at the airport in Dalton. Her flight was obviously canceled. I immediately got on my knees thanking my Father in Heaven that my mom was safe and then praying for all those people. Then I sat in the living room ALL DAY LONG and watched in horror as our Country was attacked. I will never forget that day. It made me realize how precious our freedom is. I was a 'reborn American' if you will. Kind of like in our church when you finally gain your own testimony, we call it that you are converted. Well I was converted that day. Every time I hear or sing "God Bless America" I tear up and cry. I never fully appreciated how great our Country really was until our freedom was compromised. Until we were attacked. Now I know and understand. I am forever grateful to our soldiers from the past and now - To our founding fathers. I will forever look at my America with a new heart. With a heart of love and humility. If you can look at a positive outcome of the attacks on September 11th, I would say a Country that became Re-United. People stopped to serve more = A newly born commitment to love and serve.

God Bless America! Land that I love! God Bless America - my home sweet home!

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