Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Another year older/ A new school year!

In August I got older. The wiser part doesn't seem to fall into place for me for some reason! (HAHA) But Savanna made her first cake ever. And it tasted really good. And we had a great day! The kids and Brandon made it special for me. Here is a picture. I HATE pictures of me, but figure the kids need some kind of picture of mom someday. I wish I didn't look like crap, but I do. Oh JOY!

School started yesterday! Savanna is now in 3rd grade and my Weylon is a Kindergartner! That is NUTS to me! Savanna is so into styles now! I was trying to help her pick out what to wear on her first day and I would pull out a cute pair of capris and she would say, 'seriously Mom? No one wears that kind of stuff to school." And thus it went for EVERYTHING I picked out. I knew I was bad with the trends and styles, but I didn't think I was bad enough that my 8 year old could pass me up on it! What a fun girl she is! She could teach me a few things about style I am sure! Now as for Weylon, we took him at 100 yesterday to meet his teacher and get started. He was so big! When the teachers aide took them and lined them up to go outside to play while we discussed the year with Mrs. Gutsche he left with a BIG SMILE! A huge change from last year in preschool. Last year, he went after a LOT of convincing, and then ran from the teacher outside and found his way back in to me. And he cried the whole time! This time he played good and when it was time for Parents to leave he said 'bye mom'! And he stayed HAPPILY and rode the bus home! Today he begins the all day every day routine. I pray he will do good and LOVE it! He is so ready for school! Its going to be so quiet at home with just OakLeigh and Memphis. Well and of course daycare kids. But they are all little ones now. (Thank goodness!). OakLeigh was so upset that she couldn't stay for school too at the open house. She even took off her shoes and lined them up with Weylon's PE shoes. And screamed and bawled when we had to really leave. She gets to start preschool there are Rozet school next year and go 2x a week. That will be so good for her. She is such a people person. And my Memphis boy is doing good. He has an ear infection and is just getting over a terrible cold. He was miserable there for a while, but we are on the mend. He is now 15 pounds and smiles ALL THE TIME! What a blessing he is! Well all my kids are, but to have a baby that likes to sleep at night, hardly EVER cries, and very happy and content is GREAT! Here are the pictures of Savanna and Weylon's first day of school! I am so proud of my children.

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