Sunday, August 14, 2011

August So Far-

August has been a great month so far. We were able to go to Vernal and Roosevelt Utah for Jacey and Paige's baptisms. It was so great to be able to be there and show them some support. It was a long drive. We drove all day Friday and had a great time and came home Sunday. It took us about 10 hours to drive-which isn't bad with my kids! Memphis did great for his first real time going anywhere far. He slept a lot. He screamed till 400am friday night but did great the rest of the time! He was a better traveler than any of the other 3! It was good to be there for Jacey and Paige. They are such good kids and am so thankful for the choice they made to be baptized! They had such big smiles on their cute little faces. I wish I would have thought to get a picture of them and Savanna. Since they were all baptized so close together!

A couple of Sundays ago, I was called into President Jones office. Oh great I thought. He asked me if I would be willing to teach the youth Sunday School class. Are you kidding me? I started to laugh. Because I really wanted to bawl like a big baby. The youth scare me to death. Don't ask me why. They are all great kids. But I am a big dork and don't know nearly as much as they do, and am SCARED TO TRY TO TEACH THEM! So I told him yes. Trust me if I had been taught differently, the NO would have been blurted out very easily. But I very quietly said yes. It wasn't very convincing. President Jones could tell. He asked me, and I said, "you have just asked me to do the ONE calling I always told Brandon that I WOULD NEVER DO'. I said I would rather be Relief Society President again. LOL. But after today, it wasn't so bad. They didn't bite. They were all good kids and even participated. So I take it back. I DO NOT want to be RS president again. I rather enjoyed the lesson. And I got to go to RS again. I haven't done that since I was released I think. It was a good day. Its funny to think. I have been feeling like I haven't been doing my part in studying the scriptures. I haven't felt like I have been in tune with the Spirit at all. I have been dragging my feet about EVERYTHING! And because He is MY Father in Heaven, He knew it. He knew that I needed a big swift kick in the rear end to get me on the ball. And let me tell you, this calling is what I need. I read my scriptures this week. I started studying for that lesson on Monday. I studied for it every day. I haven't actually STUDIED my scriptures in a long time. It felt good. So, once again, my Heavenly Father knows best. I will accept His call. I am NO Fonzy or Leroy, because they are just naturally awesome teachers, but I will do my best, and I am sure I will be the one who benefits the most from this calling.

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