Saturday, May 1, 2010

Wyoming Wind!

Well I really didnt know what to label this post as. I call it Wyoming wind because it has literally been blowing so hard NONSTOP for the past week. Then we got ready to go to bed tonight, and it stopped! It has been so windy that Weylon doesnt even want to go outside and that is really strange for him. He would stay outside from sunup till sundown if I would let him. It has been a pretty busy day. Me and the kids went to Moorcroft for the primary activity. We were gone from 930-1230. Then we had a birthday party to go to in Gillette. Then had to go to Smiths and get groceries as we were out of everything. So it has been a very long day and the kids were so tired tonight. I wanted to say that I am so thankful for the kind thoughtful people in our community. The other day I took the kids to Mcdonalds to play and woman who was watching her kids play, bought my kids all an icecream cone! Right out of the blue! That made their day! The kindness of this young mom brought the biggest smiles to my childrens faces! And I am so appreciative and thankful for her kind heart. And today, at the birthday party, a co-worker of Brandons saw Weylon playing at one of the driving arcade games. She went over and put a quarter in the game for him! The smile on his little face went from ear to ear! And he talked about it the whole way home. Its the little things like that, the kind jestures of good people, that make life so much better! Its the little things that go a long way and I am so thankful that their are still good, kind, caring people out there! So I guess I need to think about paying it forward. Instead of getting ticked off that I had to wait in line cause I ALWAYS pick the SLOWEST cashier EVEr...maybe I should make my wait better by doing a kind deed.

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