Well I haven't posted for a few days. Seems like life just gets going so fast and we forget to stop and take a minute. Well the day started off like any (bad) Monday does. Brandon got ready to go to work and dang it, his keys were locked in his truck ....along with Ninny the cat. On Sunday we had to take Savanna to urgent care, so all the car seats where in the truck. Well Weylon wanted to help daddy out and got all 3 seats out ALL BY HIMSELF and put them back in the suburban...but in the process his little helper OakLeigh was pushing the lock button on the truck. And of course Ninny the other helper had to be right in the way. Well thank goodness that cat is half retarded and already missing most brain cells. Because any NORMAL cat would have roasted in that truck. It was pretty hot on Sunday. Not Ninny. He stretched out and slept on the seat from 2 or 3 in the afternoon till we broke into the truck Monday morning. He didnt even mess in there?! Then Brandon left for work LATE only to realize after the 16ish mile drive he forgot all his stuff in the suburban and had to come back home and get it all. LOL. Poor guy. That was his monday. I say it slowly got better because we have such amazing friends here in our little branch. The most charitable people you will ever know. Brock, Clinton, Jared, and one of the youth, Jacob, showed up to help him finish the roof on our garage! YAY! It looks so nice! Thank you all for your help and friendship. It means so much! Brock, Clinton and Jared along with SO MANY others, also were the ones who helped build it...well actually they did build it. When we lost Steven, and I was in the hospital to deliver him, basically the whole slew of men from the branch showed up and built MOST of our garage up for us. Brandon and some youth and Jared got the frame work all done, then Brandon was in too much pain to do much more. And then when we lost our little Angel - our wonderful branch finished for us. So amazing to have the best people surrounding you all the time. I know our Heavenly Father was looking out for us when we were sent here. It is were we are supposed to be.
On another note, Weylon is supposed to have his dental surgery done tomorrow~ I sure hope his cold is gone by the morning or they wont do it and will send us packing back home. AAAGH. We have been waiting for almost 4 months as it is to get this done. So I hope and Pray all goes well. Poor little guy has such bad teeth. When they started growing in, they were brownish and bad looking...so he has to have 8 caps, and some cavities fixed too. Good thing they are putting him completely out because it took 2 nurses to hold him down just for the x-rays! Makes me nervous though. I am so thankful that is the only problem he has. I look at so many people out there with sick little kids. My heart breaks for them. I cry when my kids get the flu. I cant imagine going through what they are going through with major diseases and sicknesses. I love my kids more than anything. I am so thankful for their good health! And pray it will always be that way.
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