Sunday, May 23, 2010


There are times in your life when you have poor pity me days...There are times in your life where you are so thankful for EVERYTHING you have and you REALIZE how much you have. Well I have had a mixture of all those lately. I have my poor me days. You know the ones, "I am fat. I am getting gray hair. My kids do NOT listen to me. My husband's dang chickens stink so bad. My kids are fighting again. I yelled too much today. I didnt get to exercise today. I am sick of babysitting. Stupid student loans. I want to spend some time with just me...Kind of thinking". And then after my poor poor me thoughts, something happens. I get on my knees and pray and ask for help. And I can literally feel my Heavenly Father wrap His arms around me and tell me He loves me. And then my wonderful husband will come home from work and give me a kiss and tell me he thinks I am beautiful (helping me to forget for a small while that I am chubby and not so cute) and will help with the kids and dinner. And my sweet Savanna will sit by me and tell me she loves me and rub my arm for a minute. And my sweet Weylon and OakLeigh will play nicely together and help each other out! And then I know that my prayers are being answered every day. We are all healthy. We are an eternal family. We have a good job. We live in a nice, warm home. We have the gospel of Jesus Christ as our foundation and with my Heavenly Father's love and help, all things are possible. Life is good today. I love my kids and Brandon more than I can express. I am watched out for every day because I have been blessed with them in my life. And then my perspective changes for the day and am able to realize all I have. The little things don't matter as much. So what if I am chubby? I can work on that and try to change it. So what if I am getting gray hair? I can buy some hair dye. I am able to wrap my arms tightly around my children each day and hold them tight. I can always count on my Brandon to make me laugh. I know I can get on the phone and call my mom and dad and hear their voices. Thank you Heavenly Father for hearing my cries in the morning and helping me to realize all that I have...once again.

1 comment:

Lexi and Hector said...

It is so true...we can always find something to get us down, but at the same time we can always find so many blessings.