Well since Mother's Day was last week, it has been on my mind of all the amazing moms that have touched my life! First of all there is my mom...who is also my best friend.(Besides Brandon of course...) She was there for me at every single important moment of my life. She supported all of us kids through all our running around...and with 5 kids in 5 different sports, somehow she still managed to be there to each event almost every time! She was there for me through my embarassing stages...(oh wait that's not over yet. haha..) Like when I locked myself out of my locker after swim practice and had to walk home IN THE SNOW in only my swimsuit, cap on head, and thank goodness for those prescription goggles...if I didnt have those on, who knows who's house I would have ended up at. haha. (Damn those goggles that kept fogging up and I had to keep stopping - BAREFOOT IN THE SNOW - to keep defogging!) What a sight I must have been to her as she got home from bus driving, to her teenager sitting on the couch, still clad in swimming suit, cap and goggles, sobbing cause she couldn't remember her locker combination...but did she laugh...well of course she did. WHO WOULDN'T LAUGH AT THAT? But she also put her arms around me and gave me a hug and helped me call the school and get the locker combo from them, also drove me to the pool to get dressed, and then drove me to the school...thanks mom for laughing at me when I needed it, but also being there for me too!
She has been here for me through all my trials and triumphs. When I lost our little Steven, she (and dad) dropped everything and came right to Wyoming to be here for us. A time that I just needed my mother's encouraging words and strong hug, I could depend on her to be there. We talk everyday on the phone. Even when we don't have a dang thing to say, its so nice to hear her voice for the day and to tell her I love her. When I got married, Brandon was shocked that I talked to my mom EVERYDAY. It in fact drove him crazy, but after almost 8 years, he is used to it now. And in fact, now, if there is a day that he thinks I havent talked to mom, he says, "you better call and check on your mom and make sure everything is ok, you haven't talked to her yet today". LOL. He likes to give us a hard time, but he loves my mom too and is very thankful for her!
Another mom that is so very important to me is my Aunt Betsy. She passed away 13 years ago. I was living with her and Wes, and their 5 kids when she was diagnosed with cancer. I lived with them up until a few months before she passed away. But she has always been like another mom to me. She taught me how to drive stick shift. What a brave woman for even trying! And she never yelled at me, even after the millionth time of popping the clutch to fast and killing the old blue toyota...She was patient, smiled, and said try it again Erin. She was a fabulous school teacher. I can bet my life savings, that every single student that had Aunt Betsy as a teacher, LOVED her. She was very dedicated to her teaching, and loved her students. And it showed, there were thousands of people at her funeral to pay tribute to her! She was such a good mom too. I remember when Seth was 3, he bit Katie on the arm. And Betsy got down at his eye level and talked to him very calmly about why you shouldnt bite. She didnt jump the gun, as I have done so many times, and yell or spank him...She talked to him about it, gave him a very loving punishment, and when it was over hugged him and talked to him about why he was in trouble. The next time he bit Katie, she bit him back though! And Seth never bit again. HAHA! It was a good learning moment for me! I always think of how Betsy still supported each of her kids, even after her surgery to remove the cancer and you know she was in pain. She still went to Logan's basketball games. And still supported KiLeigh and Lexi through their activities. And of course, she always hugged them and told them she loved them. When she passed away, there isnt a doubt in my mind that those kids knew that their mom loved them. She made that very clear in her words and actions. What a wonderful mom she was! I love you Aunt Bets! And you are so very missed! Please take care of my little Steven for me! (I know you are)
There are so many moms in my life, I cant name you all! But Granny and Grandma are great examples to me. To many experiences to name right now with them. I love you both! And Aunt Jo Even though you haven't given birth to any children, you are momma Jo to us all. You have supported each of your nieces and nephews through everything. All of us know, if we ever needed support for anything, it could come from you. Jo you have done a lot for me through the years and I love you and appreciate you so much! You were at some of our swimmeets, at all of our graduations, weddings, mission farewells and returns, college graduations...And I admire you for how you take care of Granny. I am sure its a task that doesn't get a lot of appreciation, but I know Granny appreciates it. And we all do.
So thank you to all my Mothers in my life. I love you all and want you all to know that you are so important to me! Thanks for enriching my life and helping me to achieve so many goals, laughing with me and AT me, hugging me, chastising me, and loving me.
erin...thanks so much for that... any person who has ever lost a parent...especailly a mom... knows how hard it is on mothers day..for the last few years ive just been a cranky and a person nobody wants to be around on mothers day...but this year it was different...ki had been in town the day before and i think that that really made a difference..shes like a mom to me...i love her...:)
I loved your blog...we must have been on the same wave length because I did a blog on my mom too, and I even mentioned you because you are such a good mom, and you are a great example to me...love ya
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