Thursday, September 13, 2012

School 2012

School has began! Weylon is in 1st grade and Savanna is in 4th! I can't believe they are getting so old! OakLeigh is home still and we are doing preschool together at home. I can't believe how expensive it is here. I wish they had a program like they did in Rozet. It helped Weylon so much! But Oaks and I are going to learn to read this year. We are working hard on her name, but my heck she has 8 different letters in it. And they are hard! If we were thinking we would have named her Al, or Ed, or something SHORT! Oh well, here is to learning how to write the WHOLE ABC's this year! Memphis is growing too! He still doesn't speak much, but he does point at things and in an unclear way says, "whats dat", and he did say once, "yook at dat" (look at that). I understand. He basically screams and points until you figure it out. He is a hoot and loves to make everyone laugh. Brandon started a new job. He now works for ATS. It is a division of is a GREAT company to work for and we are really excited! We have been blessed so much. On another note, mom and dad got to go on an Alaskan Cruise last week! Mom has wanted to go on a cruise for YEARS! Dad and her finally went. I am glad they did. I mean they have been married for 41 years! They deserve a cruise! Mom said it was COLD. (SHOCKER) They did go on a boat whale watching and got to see a lot of whales! That would be awesome! Here are some pictures! We are doing well and happy and will post more later! I probably won't have time tonight to tell what each is. There is one of Weylon and Savanna on the first day of school. They were so hyper and excited....and nervous. Memphis LOVES chocolate pudding. He insists on eating himself also. And from the pictures you will see this. OakLeigh has made a friend, Chelsea Davis. They are BEST buds. If there were ever a child made just like OakLeigh, it is Chelsea. They are two peas in a pod. This is the custom built hat that our good friend Spencer Davis made! And Brandon helped build it. It is Brandon's and he LOVES this hat! It looks pretty awesome!

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