Sunday, September 30, 2012
Granny, Ina Jean Elkins, was born November 14th, 1930. She died today. September 30th 2012.
I want to dedicate this to Granny. She is such an example to me. I have so many wonderful stories and memories of and with my Granny. I remember spending a month in Ramah with her and Popo when I was about 8 years old. It was just me and I LOVED every second of it. Sure I got homesick and cried but Granny was right there with her big squishy hugs and songs. I remember laying in bed at night, in between her and Popo and we would listen to Popo snore and we would giggle. And we made up songs about all her grandkids. Then she would fall asleep and you could hear her LONG fingernails scratching her skin. HAHA such a strange memory to have, but every time I hear that sound I think of that summer with them. I remember driving for our 12 hours from Lyman and getting to Ramah and Granny and Popo would have crackers and milk for us. Sounds like such a weird treat now, but we loved it. And we couldn't wait to wake up to her biscuits and gravy and of course, TANG! The big white house in Ramah was such a treasure to us kids. It had so many places to hide and so many closets full of such mystery and excitement! I loved hearing Granny and mom, Jo, and Aunt Betsy talking early in the morning. They would get up around 4am and sit around the big fireplace and talk. I would love to get up and lay on my moms lap and listen to their stories. I loved how Popo used to sing songs and not the correct words and granny would get so mad at him. She would tell him, "if you don't know the right words then don't sing the song." And he would laugh at her and say, "Well, shoooeee" and he would sing more wrong words.
One of the most wonderful experiences I had with Granny was a few years ago. I was able to go to the Albuquerque temple with her and Mom and Chesley sat in as proxy for Uncle Stoney and we did his work. It was so special to be there with Granny for that. She cried and cried tears of joy for Stoney. I am so thankful for that experience.
Granny was at my high school graduation, snow college graduation, and USU graduation. She was also at my wedding. I love that she cared enough to be there for me.
I have a hilarious story about Granny after my snow college graduation. I was moving to Bluewater to teach preschool. And Granny was going to ride with me. I had my old 1979 pontiac grand am. And it was HOTTER THAN HELL that day we were driving from Ephraim to Bluewater. And we just passed Moab, and my dang car started to over heat. Granny said roll down the windows and turn on the heater. Sure enough it worked, but I am sure we were a sight to see. Both of us had windblown hair and sweat just a pouring off of us. We got to Cortez and decided to stop at Wendys for lunch. We both went to the bathroom first, and I hear granny in the stall next to me, and I hear PLOP. And then Granny said, "OH SH**". HAHA I died laughing. I finally was able to speak and ask if she was ok, and she was so mad. She had dropped her purse in the toilet. I was laughing so hard that she finally busted a gut laughing too. I had to tease her about that every time I went to visit her. Granny wasn't one that usually swore and I think thats why it was so funny to me. I loved that about Granny. She sat me down one day, after she heard some foul language come from a cousin I was with. She sat us both down and said, "a lady never lets cuss words come out of her mouth. A lady always watches her mouth and words. A Daughter Of God will always remember that Heavenly Father is sitting here with her and will remember to talk like a lady.' She never talked down to us, she told us how we should speak and act and then gave us both a hug. That happened when I was about 11 years old. So it has been 26 years ago and I still remember exactly what she said and how she said it.
I am so very thankful that I have had a good relationship with Granny. We talked on the phone at least once or twice a week. I am so glad I was able to talk to Granny last week. I had a feeling I needed to call her. I had tried several times that day and never got an answer, but thought I should try one more time. I am so glad I did. She talked about a barn dance she had been to once. And a couple other stories about her life growing up. Then she told me she loved me. She actually told me that twice. I am so thankful I was able to talk to Granny one more time.
I keep thinking of the reunion Granny must be having. When Popo died, I remember crying for her and feeling so sad that her sweetheart was gone. And when they were getting ready to close Popo's casket, she held his hand and wept and told him how much she loved him. She said she didn't think she could let him go. She kissed him one last time and sat down. I am sure her and Popo are having a kiss and hug right now. I know that Popo was waiting for her with open arms. Along with Maud, Betsy and Stoney, Momo and Papa, and so many other loved ones. I am sure Granny, Popo, and her 3 children are all gathered around having the best reunion and walk down memory lane. I can't imagine the joy she must feel. I can't imagine how free and peaceful she must be. For as we are so sad here, and will miss her greatly, I am so thankful that I know with a surety that we are an eternal family. That they are together, and we WILL see her and all of them again. I am so glad I got to talk to her tonight. About an hour before she passed away. Jo put the phone to her ear and she was babbling. I was bawling and she did say to me, 'don't cry.' And I told her to give Popo and Aunt Betsy a big hug for me. And she said, 'oh yes, oh my'. I told her I loved her and she said something I couldn't understand and that was it. I am so grateful for the plan of salvation. I am so thankful that we have a merciful and loving Heavenly Father. I am so thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ. Through His sacrifice for me, I will see my dear sweet Granny again. Good night Granny! I love you. See you in the funny papers.
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