Thursday, August 16, 2012
Funny things....
So I was trying to remember all the funny things my kids say. And I have to write this down. It is too good not to. We were at our Felkins family reunion and OakLeigh was talking to her cousin Justin. She told him that if she was in her human form she would eat him...WHERE IS SHE FROM? LITERALLY? HAHA Well then one Sunday we were in my parent's New Mexico sacrament meeting. OakLeigh was sitting in between Alex and Ella. During a quiet moment (of course) OakLeigh looks to the girls and tells them that if they ever step on a dead bird, the guts would squish between their toes! And the sad thing about that comment is, is that she has proof....So we were on our way to Four Corners to get some pictures. OakLeigh was in the car with my mom and again Alex and Ella. And my mom was being told all these funny things she said. And my mom says, "oh Oakie where did you come from?" And Oaks innocent and very serious reply was, "well one day my mom was digging a hole. And then she saw some hair in the hole. So she pulled it up and it was me!" Gotta love that girl. There really is NO OTHER like her on this earth. We are always told that she is going to give us a run for our money. Little do people know she is already giving us a run! But as ornery as she is, she has the sweetest spirit and the most love to give. At any given moment of the day she will stop playing horses long enough to hug me or her daddy and tell us that she loves us this much! (As she stretches her arms as wide as she can...) And when she gives you a kiss she will tell you it is a forever kiss. What a sweet, ornery little cuss that I wouldn't trade for the world!
Then I have my Weylon. He is one hard working kid. He asked me the other day if he could help me clean house. I of course said, "heck ya" and told him he could mop the kitchen floor. It was pretty bad since we just moved into this house, and boxes and feet being drug across....and not to mention that the house has been empty for several years and had collected a LOT of dirt to it. Well he got the towel wet like I showed him and he mopped that floor better than I ever would have done it! Give that boy a job and he will do it at 120%. He will out work most teenage boys I know! But he can also whine more than any other 2 year old I know! (And the bad part is is he is 6!) But if he has a schedule and structure he does so good! Thats why I am so glad for school to start soon! He needs that schedule. He needs to have that structure that school can give him! Summer is great and I love my kids home, but they need school! I NEED SCHOOL! :) So one lesson Weylon learned tonight, if you are trying to learn how to break dance and get to kicky with your feet, you WILL in fact, give yourself a bloody nose! Poor kid. And that nose bled for a good hour. I hope it isn't broken. But I saw that foot fly up and saw it connect. I knew it would be bleeding!
Now for our sweet little Memphis Miracle. He really is a light to our family. Anyone can be pissy and grumpy and he can walk in with his little smile and light up your world! He still won't talk other than he says, 'no no, momma, daddy, and whutts dat?" He will point at anything and yell "whutts dat?' It is so cute. OakLeigh was playing cowgirl a couple weeks ago. And she swung her rope and actually roped Memphis. She didn't know it did, but it went around his neck. But before I could jump up to rescue she took off and he FLIPPED. I thought for sure she hurt his neck. It did have rope burn but nothing serious. But he cried off and on all night long. And the next morning he wouldn't walk. And if you put pressure on his left leg he would scream. Well this went on for 2 more days and I decided to take him to the clinic for x-rays. Which was an awful experience. He screamed in that room and they made me stay in the hall. I cried out there for him...but the xrays didn't show any kind of break. But he is still limping. He wouldn't walk for almost 2 weeks. But thankfully he started to this week. NO MORE ROPING KIDS OAKLEIGH! :)
And the oldest Savanna. She really is the greatest big sister. She is the most wonderful help to me ever. She will be the first to give love to someone who has been hurt. She will be the first to give hugs and kisses to her sweet Memphis boy. She plays with Weylon and OakLeigh even when she would rather watch tv or read a book. She has a heart of gold. She has been given a gift from her Father in Heaven of the most kind, caring, sensitive spirit. She always looks out for the underdog. She is so smart. She is already living a life and sharing her testimony in a way I wish I could. If it is her turn for family prayer, she puts a lot of thought into it. And always remembers to pray for someone who has been sick, or sad in some way. When I am in a bad mood (and sadly taking it out on everyone else) she will go in her room and say a prayer for me. And then come and tell me, and of course my heart will soften. Who can resist such sweet innocence and faith? The funny thing about Savanna is that she is the one who the word DRAMA was made for. She is full of it! She had a small mosquito bite and was scratching it. It turned into a small rash. She immediately thought she must surely have a horrible disease. And it took me a good 4 hours to convince her that it was a bite and only red because she wouldn't leave it alone!
I love my children with all my heart. They are my world. I don't know how my life could ever be full without them. They and Brandon make me want to do better. They make me want to be better. I am forever in debt to my Heavenly Father for the trust and faith he has in me to be there mother.
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