Friday, November 5, 2010

Thankful Month!

Ok so everyone is doing it. I know I know, I am such a follower. But what better time, especially the month of NOVEMBER to write out all I am thankful for! Plus I really think I need the reminder more than anyone so I can actually stop and realize all that I do have. I know I take so much for granted and don't remember to thank my Heavenly Father.

First of all, today we were driving home from the park and there was a huge herd of range maggots running. OakLeigh says, "look at all the anemope mom!" She was so excited. I thought, #1, how dang cute that they are "anamope" and #2, I am really so glad to live out in the country where I can actually see them running free.

Even though its November 5th, we had the most beautiful weather today! It was 70 degrees! Is that unheard of in Wyoming or what? I could live with 70's forever. Its perfect for me. We played outside all day and then at the park as well. I am thankful for actual fall temperatures and beautiful days that I get to enjoy at the park with my kiddos!

I am so very thankful to be expecting again. It was the scariest moment for me at first when I read the positive sign on the test. I bawled my eyes out. Then got down on my knees and prayed with all my heart that this baby would be ok and that I would be ok through out the pregnancy. And also thanked my Father in Heaven for the chance to be a mother again to another baby. I am out of my first trimester, now 14 weeks! I have been blessed to be able to feel this little bugger kicking already! And thankfully Dr. Cohn (who by the way I LOVE) is very empathetic towards my fears of losing this baby and so she sees me every 2 to 3 weeks and does an ultrasound. So far so good! And strangely after week 14, (this week) a lot of my morning sickness has passed! That is unheard of for me! WOOHOO!

I am so thankful for Brandon. He works hard for us. His job is NOT his dream job by any means, but he does what he has to do to provide for his family. I am thankful for all his hard work for us. He is a good father. A good husband and a perfect best friend. I am so thankful that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is so important to him. I am so thankful that he takes his priesthood responsibilities seriously. I am so thankful that he listens to me whine and moan about EVERYTHING. I am so thankful that he LOVES ME for me. Doesn't want (or push) me to change, even though I know there is so much I could change and work on. He loves me for me. I couldn't ask for a better eternal partner.

I am so thankful for my sweet children. I can't imagine life without any of them. I don't even know how I used to function without them. Even though, at times, YES they drive me nutty, I wouldn't change being a momma to them for ANYTHING. I am thankful that they are so patient with me. I am sure I am not the best mom. I am sure I have a lot to work on. But they love me as their mother. They are my world. I am so blessed.

I am a nut for this I am sure. But we have 2 dogs, 4 cats and 5 chickens. And I am so grateful for all of them. I love the dogs because they look at you with this unwavering trust and love. Krypto had 5 puppies and I love sneaking outside to the garage and cuddling them and watching them. It really soothes me and makes me realize how awesome God's plan is. I love the dang cats, even though the first touch of them makes me sneeze and my eyes water and my throat itch. They catch the mice and keep our home (mostly) mouse free. WHICH I HATE MICE. I would move from every place possible if there was a mouse. Thank you kitties for making it ok here! And of course the chickens. Those dang stinky birds. Thank you for my 5 eggs every morning! We would be able to survive on eggs if we had too!

I am so thankful that I have 7 weeks before Christmas! My most favorite time of the year! I love the excitement it brings! I love the way the whole month of December has this awe and magic about it! I love telling my kids Santa Claus or Elf or Reindeer stories at night! I love getting them excited to give! I love teaching them about the birth of Jesus Christ. I love how this time of year makes me feel so young! I love sneaking gifts in and wrapping them! I love shopping! I love the snow and hot chocolate and all the fattening baking you get to do! I love the earlier dark nights! (? I know) I love the sound of the crunch of snow. I love hearing the kids laugh and play in the snow! I love Christmas eve! I love the Christmas music! And YES, I started listening to it TODAY! HAHA I am thankful for this time of year!

I am thankful for my family! I am thankful for the parents I have and the love and support they always give! I am so thankful for my 4 wonderful brothers. For their wives and all the neices of nephews I have! I am thankful for Granny and Grandma! For all my aunts and uncles and cousins!

I am thankful for Judge Judy! Seriously if I couldn't record her show and watch that at night after the kids went to bed, I would probably be in the nut house! I am thankful for all the bigger nuts out there on that show! Makes me realize we are pretty darn normal and blessed! I don't know why I like her, but she's blunt, to the point and strict! I am also thankful for Lifetime tv. Love watching lifetime movies! I have probably seen every one ever made, but I LOVE THEM! Oh which brings me back to Christmas season, LOVE LOVE LOVE all the Christmas movies!

I am thankful for music! Thankful for books! Thankful for Twilight series! Thankful that Emily and I can cheese out together over how awesome the movies are! I am thankful for the weekends when I let the kids sleep in the living room and watch movies! I am thankful for Dr. Pepper. (Even though I am really trying to get it out of my life...) I am thankful for cheese and crackers and pepperoni! (Pregnancy thing)

I am so very thankful for my Country! Something definately changed in me after 9/11. A light was turned on in my head and I realized from then on how very blessed we are to live in AMERICA! Even with all the political crap going on, we are so very blessed. I get to worship as I WISH. My kids can play outside without the worries of a bomb going off. We can shop at wherever we want SAFELY! We keep our money we make for ourselves. We have soldiers who fight and sacrafice so very much for ME! I am so thankful for my Country and my FREEDOM.

My list will go on, but for now its past dinner time and I haven't even started yet!

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