Well I made it to 4 months! Every time I go to the doctor my heart beats faster than it should, I am sick to my stomach, and I feel a little dizzy until I hear that sweet sound of my baby's heart beat! This was the month that I lost my little Steven last year. It was the last part of my 4th month. Every time I feel this little one kick and move, my heart soars! It is such a sweet wonderful feeling to know that this little one is growing and moving! We can find out next month what the sex is of this baby. I dont know that we are gonna find out or just not tell anyone? I think its always exciting to not know....I on the other hand WILL find out. I have to be prepared. HAHA but that doesn't mean I have to tell anyone! :)
On a new note I talked Brandon into getting a tree the day after Thanksgiving and putting it up that day! WOOHOOO! I am so excited this year! My parents are coming and I haven't had Christmas with them for like 7 years so it will be really special for us. And yes our house has been rocking to the Christmas tunes for a while now. All those who really know me, know that I can't wait till after Thanksgiving for that part. I love Thanksgiving, but I love Christmas music more! It wins every time! Usually right after Halloween. There is something magical about the music. It brings out a spirit in my home that I can't resist! A spirit of MORE love, MORE understanding, MORE forgiveness, MORE smiles, MORE service, MORE happiness, MORE of what our home needs! So who wouldn't want to invite that in right?!
Granny had her 80th birthday on November 14th! YAY Happy Birthday Granny! You know you are such a wonderful example to all of us! You are someone who has lived through so MANY hard trials in life and still you have this wonderful unwavering faith! I absolutely admire my Granny. I was remembering to some of things Granny has taught me throughout my 35 years of life. SO MUCH! One thing I do remember and often refer to this memory, was this: every summer we got to spend a couple weeks in Ramah with her and Popo. It was awesome cause I had so many cousins my age. Me, Daylene, Natalie, Chesley, Mindy...anyways, one day, I dont know who it was, but a word was said that shouldn't have been said. Granny sat us girls down and very lovingly told us about how a lady should talk. And if we wanted to be looked upon as a true "lady" then we should always watch the words that come out of our mouths. We should always act with poise and try to act like a lady at all times. And if we allowed the bad words to flow from our mouths then we have lost one thing that is so very important! I am sure that was said in better words than that, but I was only like 10 or 11 and thats how I remember it. I actually had the same conversation with Savanna the other day. She laughed at me, cause she isn't a "lady" yet, just a 7 year old girl. HAHA Anyways, I also remember laying in bed in between Granny and Popo listening to them snore, but before that began we would have prayers, and they would both tell the greatest stories! Or sing songs. I loved it, cause Popo would sing the wrong words to make Granny mad and she would get mad too. And he would laugh. I love you Granny. Thank you for the wonderful legacy you have lived for us all to follow!
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