Brandon and I had a really good laugh about Weylon and all the funny things he thinks about in his 4 year old mind...First of all, like I stated in my facebook page, if you aren't from the country you may not understand, and will probably be offended by this. But if you grew up on a farm, ranch, or even just in the country you will completely understand this. Ok, so Krypto had puppies about a month ago. The kids saw about 3 of the 5 puppies born. Weylon was pretty amazed and also grossed out, where the puppies were born but also how they were cleaned up after. He just watched wide eyed through the whole process. Then would get real close to them and watch them nurse. Last week, I started feeding the pupps soft food. I came in one evening and Weylon asks, "where were you at mom?" I told him I was feeding the puppies. His eyes got really wide, and he says, "you mean you were nursing them?" I had to bite my tongue! I looked at him, he was dead serious. I said, "I was feeding them puppy food...thats gross Weylon!" He just looked at me and said, "oh good mom, that would have been weird!" I just walked away shaking my head. Well then last night he was watching me in the kitchen. Not saying a word, just watching. I could tell he was thinking really hard. I asked him what he was thinking about. He says, "Mom when you have your baby are you gonna lick it clean?" I looked at him a little wide eyed, "Gross Weylon. Why would I lick it clean?" He says, "mom, all the animals lick them clean. On my movie Great American Cowboy the cows lick them babies clean..." I told him humans don't lick there babies. He says, "well who's gonna clean it when its born?" Poor kid, learning so much but understanding so little! Still had a good talk and laugh about it!
Then there is OakLeigh. Oh my dear little OakLeigh. She is 2, will be 3 the end of January. She wanted to say her own prayers, so we folded our arms and I let her go. I didn't interfere or help at all. She thanked Heavenly Father for her day. Thanked Him for her family. Thanked him for her "YayYay" (Weylon). Then asked Him to please help Santa bring her a pillow pet for Christmas. HAHA I told her she can't pray for that. She said, "yes I can. I can pray for whatever I want!" As you can see she is my stubborn little stinker who has a mind of her own.
Then there is Savanna. She really thinks highly of her abilities sometimes. Which I love that she has such confidence in herself. I would much rather she had confidence and knew of her talents than not know. We went to her parent teacher conference. The teacher showed us a paper she had all the kids fill out. One of the questions asked the student to write down a few things they need to work on in school. Savanna had wrote down, "learn to write smaller". Her teacher told us that Savanna did really good on the questionare until she got to that part. She raised her hand and told her teacher, "I can't think of ONE single thing that I need to work on or improve on. I think I am pretty smart." HAHA So her teacher said, "she really is a great student. I really had a hard time thinking of anything for her to work on too!" Which is a great thing to hear, especially from a teacher! But she finally told Savanna, she could work on writing a little bit smaller. So now Savanna practices that at home. She says she doesn't want to have things she's not good at! I have to laugh and beam with motherly pride all at once for her!
Anyways those are the silly things that I can think of right now. I guess you could say I am thankful I don't have to lick my young when they are born, that OakLeigh knows you can pray for ANYTHING, and that Savanna is a smart cookie!
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