I can't believe that my little baby girl is so grown up now! She does so well in school and is so SMART! I am so proud of her. She has a really good teacher this year (again) and I know she will go far in all she does! Thank goodness for the Rozet school. I love it. I am scared to death for after the 6th grade since this school only goes to 6th. I do NOT want the kids to go to Gillette. I dont want them to go to Moorcroft because I will have to drive them and I am scared to DEATH to let them drive on the interstate in the winter (once they are old enough to drive that is). I don't know what I will do. I literally sit up at night and fret about what we are going to do! I know it will all work out whatever it will be, I do have faith! It just scares me right now.
I am so excited for my little Weylon to go to preschool this year. I figured he better go cause next year when he hits kindergarten it will be pure HELL to have him go all day everyday! Preschool here is on tuesday and thursday all day! And he gets to ride the bus to school and home. Its a good introduction into next year! And I was so nervous I would get a phone call for him that he was melting down. But he didnt! He did great and LOVES it! His teacher Kathy Reynolds is the cutest, nicest lady and he LOVES her. That helps! I am proud of him for going. I know it was scary. But I know he will learn lots and do really well this year!
Its actually really nice on my Tuesdays here. Its just me and Oaks! We like our quiet time together. She misses her "YayYay" and "Sissy" but I think she likes just me and her on that day! The rest of the days I tend other kids. And thats nice cause it entertains Oaks and I get paid!
All in all I think we are up for a GREAT school year! I am proud of my kids and I love them so much!

Schools out! They are RUNNING home from the bus!

Waiting for the bus! I was so nervous for little Weymore's first day! Thank goodness for his big sissy!

Can't believe Savanna is 7 and in 2nd grade! Times goes WAY TOO FAST!

Weylon was so scared the night before he couldn't fall asleep. Then he was so EXCITED he waited outside for the bus for over 30 minutes!~

Can't you feel the LOVE between them!

Gotta stick a pic of OakLeigh on that day! She had fun watching for the school bus too!
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