Well unlike most normal people that make there new years resolutions on new years day...first of the year...I like to make mine when school starts. It seems more fresh to me than in the middle of the school year. I know sounds strange to most, but in my mind its right. Well anyways, since the kids start school soon I have been thinking a lot about what I would like to accomplish this year. And so decided I better put it to good use on my blog that way if anyone reads this you can try to hold me to it!~ (HAHA)
1. Family scripture reading every night. Even if its only a few verses. We did really good for a while, but have slacked again for some reason. So we need to get on the right track again.
2. Be more diligent in kneeling for my own personal prayers each night. I always say my prayers at night, but have somehow got into a terrible habit of saying them IN BED! I know I am not communicating well with my Father in Heaven when I say them in bed because I manage to fall asleep during each prayer. And therefore I dont listen to Him either, because I am off to dreamland. So from now on, my goal is to pray kneeling again.
3. Try to enjoy the little things. I get so caught up in trying to keep my home clean. Or trying to get caught up with laundry. I get frustrated (because it is a never ending process) and then get mad and take it out on my kids. I feel like life is passing right by and before I know it my babies wont be babies anymore. I dont want to miss anything. I want them to remember mom getting on the floor and playing with them. I want them to have good memories of their childhood, not of mom mad cause the house is a pigsty!~
4. NO MORE SODA! Seriously this one might actually kill me. But I read an article on Aspartame and the effects the "diet" soda can have on someones body. And it scared the dickens out of me. So I am going to try my VERY HARDEST to just avoid soda pop all together. It will be hard. I will probably go through a serious detox state. But I think it will be for the best in the end. (Sadly my mouth is watering just thinking about a diet dr pepper with vanilla). But I dont want to go back to non-diet either. I already have enough issues working against me trying to lose weight. I know regular soda would add so much more to the plate.
5. I want to have a better self image. I hate the way I feel about myself. And I dont ever want my kids to feel like they are too fat, or not too cute, or not good enough. And its not that anyone has ever told me these things. Its something deep within my soul that I need to work really hard on and figure out. I have great parents who always brought me up. I have a wonderful husband who always makes me feel good about myself. But for some reason Satan know my weaknesses and he works really hard on that one on me.
6. Work on baby books for OakLeigh and Weylon. They dont have one at all.
7. Do my elliptical atleast 4 x a week for 30 minutes at a time.
There will be more. But for now thats what I need to work on.
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