Saturday, August 14, 2010

8 years ago,...

Well since my 8 year anniversary is coming up on August 22, I thought I would post something about that. Ever since I graduated high school, all I wanted was to get married and be a mom. I dated a few guys, 2 of them were not LDS. They helped me to realize what was important to me and what I wanted in my future. They were nice good people, but didnt share with me anything at all that was important to me. The gospel of Jesus Christ was (and is) so important to me. I am so thankful for my parents who made us get up and go to church every Sunday. Who had us sign up and go to seminary. I am thankful for that because later when I left home, it was a natural thing to get up and go to church every Sunday. Even when I had roommates who never went. Or when I lived with Aunt Jean and Karen and drove to the singles ward alone. I am so thankful that was instilled into my brain: go to church, go to church, go to church. It is what helped me later when I was dating the non-members. And I am not bashing them, they were good guys. We just had different ideas of what was important for our future. Well I went through Snow College. Graduated. Worked for a while. Went to Utah State University. Graduated. Moved to New Mexico and worked on the dairy as an AI technician. It was an amazing experience, I loved the work. I loved how it made me feel to be working with cattle and working hard. But I went back to a big empty house alone. It gave me a lot of time to think. And I wanted more for my life than to have a good job. I like noise and chaos. I like hearing kids laughing. I like being closer to my family. And I knew deep in my heart I was not where my Heavenly Father wanted me to be. I knew there was more for me than that. I think that is why I was so unhappy there in Willard. I was very unsettled. I couldn't grasp that that was home. It just wouldn't rest well for me and my heart was not at peace. So when I made the decision to move back to Utah or Wyoming, I felt this overwhelming rush of peace. It was a feeling I hadn't had for a very long time. My mind seemed to settle down. I was able to sleep and focus again. So Logan and Lexi came and helped me load up one night and we left. I went and stayed at the camper with dad in Farmington NM, where he was working and living till mom moved after the school year. Mom called me after a day of being there, and told me that the USDA had a job position in the Lyman newspaper. It would be working for the Farm Service Agency. I decided I should apply. I called and Terry faxed me the application and told me to hurry and fill it out and fax it back because the position was closing that day. I faxed her my resume and application a few hours later. She called me the next day and asked if I could be there for an interview the following Monday. So I drove the 10 hours home to Lyman. Went for my interview, and was offered the job. Things were falling into place for me. Even though I was living at home with mom, as a single woman in a very small town, that had really NO promising events for my future, other than the job, I felt very much at peace...for a while. But I had a lot of things to work out. I started to receive counsel from Bishop France. I went and talked to him once a week for a while to work through a few things. And I actually never talked with him about how much I wanted a family of my own. And one night he asked me if he could give me a priesthood blessing. Of course that was a good idea. So he did. And this is one blessing that I know for a fact that my Father in Heaven was speaking directly to me through the power of the priesthood. I was told that if I continued to get my life in order and get my priorities in line and prepare to go through the temple, I would find my eternal companion. And I was told a few other things that are just as important to help me along the way. But I decided then and there to prepare to get my endowments taken out. I set up a time to start taking temple prep classes. Went home feeling so good and happy. It was within a week of this happening in my life that I started to talk to Brandon. My friend Ben Broadbent gave us eachothers email addresses.We emailed for a couple days, then started talking on the phone. On the following Sunday Brandon was on his way back to Laramie from Salt Lake City. He called and said he was passing Lyman. Do you want to meet? I freaked out. I didnt think he would like someone like me. I knew he liked me over the phone, but in person was a whole new situation. But he drove to my house, met mom and I. We went to my friends house for dinner. He drove home. I knew from that meeting that I just met my other half. In fact, I went to NM with mom the following week, and was telling Chris and Em about him and that I would marry him someday. They both said, "uh huh. sure. You just met him." But I actually felt very much at ease. We started driving back and forth from Lyman to Laramie on weekends to get to know eachother. Within 5 months of meeting, we were married for all time and eternity in the Bountiful Utah temple on August 22, 2002. We have lived through a severe financial hard time. We have lived through several jobs and moves. We have lived through (and continue) some bad health issues. We have lived through the loss of our angel baby Steven. But We have 3 beautiful children here on earth with us. We have a nice home. We have a good stable job now. We live in a wonderful little town with an amazing little branch of people. Through everything we have been through together, we have remained strong and true to each other. I know that I was supposed to move to Lyman so that I could meet Brandon. I know that we have been watched over. I know that we did the right thing by being sealed together in the temple. I love Brandon. He is a good man. He is a good father. He is a good husband. He lives his life full of integrity. He is a person who has struggled through a lot of pain and trials. Trials that have only made him a better man. Trials that the Lord placed in his path to show him a better way. Trials that have shown him how to appreciate the good in everything. Trials that have made him be a better father and husband. I know that Brandon suffers through a lot of pain due to his bad hip and leg. But he is not one that will complain through it. There are days that he is down and cant get out of bed, but he still manages to try to make us happy and laugh. I am so thankful that my Heavenly Father had a plan for me to find my soul mate here on earth. I am so thankful that no matter how chubby I am, how frazzled I may look, I have a husband that tells me every day he loves me. Tells me everyday that he thinks I am beautiful. Brandon, I love you. I am so thankful for you. I know we have gone through some hard times, but we have made it through. You are my strength when I want to give up. I am so glad we can carry each others burdens and help each other along the way. You have made my life better. You make me want to live better. I love you!

1 comment:

Lexi and Hector said...

I totally remember going to Willard to load your that was along time ago..