Thursday, March 26, 2015


We have so much going on! We have moved into a bigger home. We have decided we are going to save for 2 more years and then build our dream home! I am so excited! We want some land so OakLeigh and Weylon can finally have all the horses they desire! (well at least 2 of them) We are so close to being debt free! It feels amazing. Brandon has worked so hard for us. He got an AMAZING bonus this month. The stinking govt took a massive amount for taxes but we still ended up with enough to pay off both vehicles and almost all of our medical bills! WOOHOO! I feel bad that over 10 grand was in my medical bills from my radiations. But we are so close to being debt free! And it really does feel so FREE!!! It is so nice to see how Brandon has changed. And myself. It says something, especially for me, to look at amazon and load up the cart with great stuff I would love...then think for a minute and exit out instead of hitting purchase to paypal credit or something stupid like that. It actually feels really good to not tie myself down with credit debt again. I will never go back to those ways. We have worked to hard for our future and kids future to go back to old ways. Brandon is getting a new calling tonight. He and I have to go meet with stake presidency tonight. HMM! I know its for him because I am already the Relief Society President of our ward. I know they can't stick anything else to me. ha-ha That is very relieving. My calling is far. It keeps me very busy attimes and very slow at others. I keep thinking that its still a funny joke that I am in the RS presidency though. (Its really not that funny) However, when I was called and sustained in church, I have never in my life felt such power of the Holy Ghost testifying to me that I needed to do this calling. For some reason, I am in this and I know I need to be. I have never felt that so strongly in my life. When Brother Thornock read my name he got teary eyed too. It was amazing. It was indescribable the overwhelming feeling that came over me. So I will press forward. And do this as best as I can. With my Heavenly Father's help I know I can do it. As inadequate as I feel about it, I know He wants me to do this. So that is what I am up to lately. Church, my family, my daycare. I am so ready for summer though! I love that I can stay home with my babies, I love that I can contribute financially, but holy moly, home daycare can wear on a person. I am ready for summer. I am ready to sleep in if I want to. ha ha ya right! Brandon and I had made the decision that we were going to home school our kids. And I felt so torn. I couldn't bring myself to do it. I know eventually it will be the best decision for our children. Especially the way the common core standards are being rammed down our throats... But after much prayer and thought, I know it is the wrong time. I am not supposed to home school right now. So our kids are actually doing wonderful in school right now. OakLeigh loves to learn and read. Her favorite is art of course. She just finished tumbling. She was really funny to watch. She has zero coordination, but she sure tried! Weylon is doing better and better each day. His reading has improved so much. And he seems to be able to focus so much more this year. I think he just needs time to grow up more. He is in soccer right now. He just isn't that competitive. He likes to run and slide around but doesn't really go for the ball at all. Its funny. Savanna loves to do school. She loves to read and write stories. I must say, her stories are very amazing. They actually leave me waiting for the next chapter. They are awesome! I will have to put a sample on here. She will be our famous author. She is as good as the Harry Potter author. And I am not just saying that because I am her mom. She really is that good. And then there is Memphis. He is spoiled rotten. He screams bloody murder if he doesn't get his way. It drives me crazy. He can be the kindest, sweetest little boy. Then on a flip of a dime, he is a rampaging rabid animal. He loves to be my helper though. He loves transformers and power rangers. He wants his own water fountain for his birthday. ha ha Brandon as always, is such a good husband and father. He always has our future in his mind and works so hard to ensure that it will be a good, stable future for us. He works very hard. I really hit the jack pot with him. He loves me even if I am this old, wrinkly, chubby woman. He tells me everyday how much I mean to him. He tells me everyday that I am beautiful to him. (I always tease him its because he only has 1 eye he can see out We got to go see Dwight Yoakam in January. It was AWESOME! Brandon was giggly and so excited. It was fun to see him so happy. I got sick. That part sucked. We came home to sick kids. But I will post pics of the Dwight meeting! And then after I finally got to cut Brandon's hair. He was growing it for the concert. haha it was LONG! you will see!
Also here a few pics of the kids and life as we know it in our world!

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