Friday, December 12, 2014

Christmas times a coming!!!

It is so hard to believe it is December 12th....LITERALLY!!! For instance, we have NO SNOW! And also, at 8am this morning it was 51 degrees outside? WTHeck is up with this? Either this is another signs of the 2nd coming because we will have a serious drought this summer....or the STORM OF THE CENTURY is on its way and we are going to get POUNDED with feet of SNOW?!! We have so much to be thankful for. I reflect back on the months since last Christmas and we have so many positive blessings come our way. Brandon has a GREAT job with Chesapeake Energy. He LOVES it and he works for an amazing company. They have been in the top 100 companies to work for in the world (according to forbes magazine) for 10 years now. They really do take care of their employees too. It is a HUGE blessing and I am so thankful we have this job! Brandon works so hard for us every day. Last night we had the "Old Fashioned Christmas in Glenrock" celebration. It was fun. OakLeigh and Memphis got to sit on Santa's lap. It was cute. They were so excited! Savanna had her Christmas concert/play this week also. She was the lead in the play part. She was so excited and worked really hard on her parts. She stayed after school almost every day for a month! It was so extremely cute and I grinned from ear to ear through the whole thing. And OakLeigh couldn't describe it better, she said, " That was the best play I have ever seen and Savanna was the best Galeena ever!" We decorated our Christmas tree after Thanksgiving break. And as usual it was fun...the kids had fun and of course, Brandon went all out on the lights again. I believe we ended up using 11 strands. And he wrapped each branch. Those puppies are on this tree for life. There is NO WAY I am removing them! haha And of course there is never a dull moment at our home! Here are some pics from the past month! And here is something I laughed my head off about last Memphis got a pack of fire hot cinnamon gum at the light parade. He was sucking on a piece and it was too hot so he spit it out in our sink. Well so half of the square piece of gum was white, the other half red. Brandon goes into the bathroom to get a drink and he just leaned under the sink. He looks down and sees this piece of chiclet gum, that looked a lot like a bloody tooth. He feels in his mouth. And calls for me to see where he lost a tooth at. I about died laughing. BECAUSE IT IS HUGE! I couldn't even get it out that it was gum not a tooth. So then I held it up to his front teeth and show him how huge it was compared to a tooth. LOL Anyway, here is the pic of the gum. You can decide if you would have thought you lost your tooth too?

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