Tuesday, July 30, 2013


We have done it AGAIN! We moved! We live in Evansville, Wyoming. It is basically Casper. We lived here about 10 years ago. And it has GROWN so much! Big Piney was the right place at the time we moved there. And we made some of the best friends we could ever have. And I know that because of those friends our family is who we are today. A very special friend helped Brandon through a very difficult time. And for that I will NEVER be able to repay him or his family. Thank you Davis family. Amy and Spencer mean so much to us. And all 4 of their girls are such good kids and each of my kids love them so much. The night before we moved we spent the evening at their house. When it was time to leave there wasn't a dry eye. All the girls were crying, each of my kids and I were crying. Amy was crying. I think Brandon and Spencer were just trying to be macho. We love you Davis family! We now live 4 hours away and I told Brandon I REFUSE TO MOVE TOWNS AGAIN! UGH! I did manage to get my kids in the SAME ELEMENTARY school though. Apparently that is hard to do! But they are all 3 in Evansville. I don't know if its the greatest school, but we missed the sign up by oh 6 months! I LOVE LOVE LOVE our house. It is 2x bigger than our house in Big Piney and we are on 30 acres! It is nice to be out of town again! And the kids seem happy and I PRAY they adjust and make good friends at school! We had a blast at our reunion in New Mexico! It was total CHAOS and I wouldn't trade that time in for anything! There are 23 grandkids and 12 adults! Smash all that together in my parents house and you get FUN FUN FUN! :) We had lots of swimming in my parents pool! Thank goodness for that because it was HOT! They had a pool table and air hockey set up in the garage and even had an air conditioner in there! That was great! The kids also got to ride the doom buggy thing and they LOVED that! Memphis couldn't talk about anything else for days. When we left Weylon was just getting over Bronchitis. He was pretty miserable for a couple days. Then Savanna got it and she was miserable for a few days. And I pray that we didn't give it to anyone else, but I know we got Justin sick....ugh so sorry Justin! I just want to say that I love each of my nieces and nephews. I am so proud of the wonderful good kids they are. They are such good examples to me and my children! And my first nephew Kyle is leaving on his mission in August and I am so thankful for that decision he has made! I know he will make a GREAT missionary! I want to tell my mom and dad how thankful I am for all they did for us. I know they went to so much hard work for us and it was so appreciated. I am so thankful for the family I have. We all had a great time and mom and dad thank you for all you did. I have a million pictures to post but I have to find the camera card. So, that will come later!

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