Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I've got BABIES on my mind!

So since I am now 6 days from my c-section date, I have been reminiscing about all my children and how tiny they were at birth...So I found the greatest pics to add to this. At the end, I will hopefully have some to add of our newest addition!!!

Savanna Leslie Mitchell was born June 10, 2003. She weighed 9 pds 1 oz. She was 21 inches long. She was such a good little baby! I need to find the disk that has her newborn pics on it, so for now here are a few baby pics of her!

Then we have our little Weylon Alonzo. He was born February 1, 2006. He weighed 8 pds 9.1 oz...He was also 21 inches long. He was a sweet little boy! He cried a LOT though. But we were sure happy to have our little boy!

And OakLeigh Lyndelle was born January 21, 2008. She weighed 8 pd 5oz and was also 21 inces long. She has been one of a kind since birth! What a hoot she is.

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