So we have 20 days left till my c-section date is scheduled! WOOOOHOOOO! I am so excited to be done. I do NOT remember ever being so tired or sore from my other kids. Must be my age I guess. A few interesting things have happened over the past 2 weeks. So on saturday (March 26th) I put all the kids to work helping me clean house. And boy did they clean! We did great! The bedrooms were clean. Bathrooms clean! Kitchen clean! Living room clean! Laundry going! I even sprayed the oven down with oven-cleaner. Then we headed to town. Kids were so good I took them all with me to applebees. Which was great and yummy. Nothing beats their parmesan shrimp and steak! YUM! We got all our grocery shopping done for the next 2 weeks. We bought a BIG box of lincoln logs for the kids to build with. It was a great day! (All the while Brandon was at work for almost 14 hours...) We got home and I had way overdone it. I was sore. I was swollen and I was grumpy. And I had a weird pain in my stomach and down my side. And it continually got worse through the evening, night and sunday morning. So Brandon took me to the ER to make sure baby was ok. I walked in, told them how far along I was and they immediately rushed us to labor and delivery and hooked me up. Didn't explain what was going on, but I was trying to tell them I wasn't in labor. I just wanted to make sure my baby was ok. Turns out it WAS A FALSE ALARM! Several hours later they let us go home. Got home felt pretty good cause they gave me 2 vicadin. Good stuff! Pain was gone. So, I got my gloves on and wiped the oven down so I could cook some yummy dinner from my friend Heather. Well shortly after sitting from cleaning out the oven, my top lip felt like it was on fire. And I could feel bumps on it. I look in the mirror and it was all swollen and the skin was coming off..So I washed my mouth over and over again. Thinking I had got oven cleaner on my face. Throughout the week, it progressively got worse. By Sunday again, my lips looked like the character from the cartoon Fat Albert. It was not good on me. They were sore, and swollen and blister upon blister were popping. So Kelly gave me the idea to make a baking soda paste and rub it all over. Cause it it was from the oven cleaner it would balance out the acid...did that. IT HURT BAD! Then I started crying all over again cause I looked like I had smeared vanilla ice-cream all over my face. LOVELY. And to top it off, my stupid sciatic nerve IS pinched and I can hardly walk, sit, stand, move...So I have been a mess. I finally called my doctor. Turns out, it wasn't oven cleaner after all. My immune system is so low from my pregnancy, that after 35 years of being COLD SORE FREE, my body decided to make up for lost time. I ended up with over 15 cold sores on my lips. Talk about a beautiful experience! I am thankful that today, I have my boring, thin, NON-LIPS back! I will never again wish for myself to have full lips again. Not pretty on me at all! LOL And NO WAY! I didn't take any pictures. Thank goodness we don't have a camera right now!
On another note, Savanna lost her 7th tooth on Sunday! She is so toothless right now. I am going to try to figure out how to send a picture off my phone to the email to put on here. So maybe that will soon follow!
1 comment:
TAKE IT EASY. Just slow down a little. Do not try to do everything at once, just take care of yourself right now. Rome wasn't built in a day, especially not by a pregnant woman. I HATE cold sores. Glad that is over for you. Good luck with the new little one coming. I will be thinking about you.
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