Saturday, April 30, 2011

Memphis Treyne Mitchell

HE'S HERE! WAHOOO! And he is as perfect as he could be!
Memphis Treyne Mitchell was born April 26, 2011 at 7:03 am. He weighed 8 pds 9.2 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. Here are some pictures so far! We all just love him!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!

We did our Easter eggs this morning. I was freaking out about the mess from the dye. It was all over the table! Spots galore! I dug out the magic erasers and waaalaaa! Clean as a whistle! PHEW! Too bad it doesnt work on the kids hands! LOL Oh well they had fun. And later on we will surprise them with a trip to Gillette to see HOP! I am so excited! (Especially because Brandon is so NOT a movie theater goer and he completely agreed with me that we could go and HE WANTED TO JOIN!!!!)

On another note, HOP was really cute! The kids all had fun for the most part. But we did realize that OakLeigh and Weylon are just not into movies enough to take them back for a few years. So not fun when they wont sit still long enough! But Savanna loved it! As she puts it, "that was awesomeness"....must be the new word of 2nd grade...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I've got BABIES on my mind!

So since I am now 6 days from my c-section date, I have been reminiscing about all my children and how tiny they were at birth...So I found the greatest pics to add to this. At the end, I will hopefully have some to add of our newest addition!!!

Savanna Leslie Mitchell was born June 10, 2003. She weighed 9 pds 1 oz. She was 21 inches long. She was such a good little baby! I need to find the disk that has her newborn pics on it, so for now here are a few baby pics of her!

Then we have our little Weylon Alonzo. He was born February 1, 2006. He weighed 8 pds 9.1 oz...He was also 21 inches long. He was a sweet little boy! He cried a LOT though. But we were sure happy to have our little boy!

And OakLeigh Lyndelle was born January 21, 2008. She weighed 8 pd 5oz and was also 21 inces long. She has been one of a kind since birth! What a hoot she is.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Baby Shower

Today a few members of my branch threw me a surprise baby shower! What fun! It was awesome! I will post pictures as soon as they are emailed to me. But it was great to feel so loved by so many good friends!

Weylon took a belly picture of me with our camera that we finally found! So, even though my head is cut off, and I am not looking good, I will post it cause its so far the only belly shot of this pregnancy I have!

Also here are 2 pics I took of Weylon riding his bike and OakLeigh sliding. It was a beautiful day yesterday morning before the rain storm hit! We played outside all morning, then stopped at the park for another hour after we ran to town. Then they played outside again till 630 pm. Oaks was so tired, she came in and immediately passed out for the night and slept from 630 pm till 630 am!

And of course since Savanna was at school, here is a picture of her getting ready for our weekend slumber party. Every friday and saturday night (if they have been good) we pull out the mattress and sleeping bags to the living room. We jump on the bed, watch movies, have popcorn...its become tradition. ONE THAT I LOVE! Because I don't have to fight bedtime! They all usually crash during the movie and I go to bed early! We all love this tradition!