Wednesday, October 13, 2010

They joy of 4 year olds!

So lately in the mornings, well actually its pretty sporatic when this occurs, but it was in the morning today that this happened. I get the dreaded morning sickness. If anyone knows how this feels, then you realize that not a whole lot gets accomplished till either you puke your guts out or it passes. For me it usually means lots of puking. Well Weylon and Curtis are 4 years old. They usually can be outside with no problems. They usually play with the dirt pile and trucks, or the wagon. But for some odd reason today they went into the garage and found Brandon's paint from the chicken coop and SOMEHOW GOT IT OPEN. They found paintbrushes, and rollers and painted a little bit of EVERYTHING in the garage. You name it, there is a roll or stroke of white paint on it. Dogs, cats, chickens, boxes, cement, tools, walls, dirt...well you get the idea. And of course today Curtis (he's one of the little ones I babysit) had on a new pair of wranglers, shirt, and coat. And of course the coat is black and the paint is WHITE. So once the kids were paint free, I scrubbed coats for 30 minutes and then animals...well as much as a cat would let you and I don't touch the chickens. (I have a weird gene in my head that can't stand feathers. They are disgusting and hold a lot of dirt and dust and it gags me to touch the chickens.) Anyways, needless to say, my morning has not gone too well and I feel bad now because the boys sat on the couch in there underwear (clothes were soaking) for a good 45 minutes, while I tried to cool off. Weylon thought it was funny that I was so mad and kept laughing. So he got stuck in the corner, so he decided it would be good to spit on the wall, instead of sit quietly. So he finally did get a good spank. And yes, I feel like the horrible mother now. Poor little Curtis said he would rather have his mom spank him though. (I wasn't gonna spank him, but thought the threat was effective.) And then he sat on the couch with big tears falling down his cheeks. So after Weylon decided it wasn't funny (after the spanking) he sat nice and quiet with Curtis. I know they are only 4 years old. I know they are little boys, but sheesh did that make me mad. I wish I didn't have such a temper and could laugh about it, but it was not funny at the time. We had a talk and hugged it out. The boys had to clean the play room and the living room before they could have lunch. Yes, and this was all before lunch today. Well, I do love my kids. I do love that I have the opportunity to be home with them, but sometimes I wonder if a full time job in the ER, or a prison would have been less stressful!

1 comment:

Lora said...

HAHAHAHA!!! So sorry, Erin, but I have to admit I thought this story was HILLARIOUS!
You'll be able to laugh about it one of these days. Hope today is better! You are a good mom!!
Love your guts :)