Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cats out of the BAG!

Well I seem to be a bigger dingbat than I would like. So when I made a post on facebook that went something like this: Note to self (or anyone for that matter) NEVER watch the show Hoarders while eating breakfast! EVER! Especially if you suffer from morning sickness. But on the other hand, it could definitely be a good diet aid...But I didn't realize that I stuck on the whole morning sickness bit till 12 comments later! So yes, we are expecting...again! And we wanted to keep it quiet for a while because of last time. But, as my good friend Ruthie said, "if you didn't tell anyone, how are we supposed to pray for you and your baby?" So far everything is good with us! I got to hear the heartbeat at 8 weeks!!! That was such a relief. You have no idea how my heart was pounding out of my chest until I heard that sweet beat of my baby's heart. What a beautiful sound! My due date is May 3rd. But because I have to have a c-section, my doctor does that a week before, and our date will be April 26th!! Its nice that I can plan pretty on the dot for that part! We ARE NOT finding out what we are having this time! Thought it would be fun to be a surprise! Lets see how long the whole not knowing bit will last. I am one who likes to be prepared. So I don't know if I can really hold out on this information, but we are gonna give it a try! I go in next week for another ultrasound. They will be doing one every 4 weeks to make sure everything is going/growing/developing as it is supposed to. So that is our exciting news! Please if you think about it, pray that all will go well this time! I may be my doctors worst nightmare until this is over and I am holding my happy, HEALTHY sweet baby in my arms!

1 comment:

Tonya said...

AWWW congrads hon!!!! I know what you mean about not wanting to tell anyone because the lost of your previous baby. We will pray for all to be perfect.