I have been following a blog of a friends friend. This family is going through so many hard trials. One they are facing right now is that their young son has Rhabdomyosarcoma. What a hard horrible thing for not only your child to face, but as a parent it would be my worst nightmare if my child had to face this disease. Anyway I was reading her blog page and she posted something that I am going to take to heart. She said "There are so many with little or no faith. To me faith gives me hope. Why not have hope? If that can get us through our thunderstorms, then why not have faith? This is what gets me through my thunderstorm. The point of this blog is to share my thoughts about my blessings. Sometimes we get so caught up in the trial that we do not see the many blessings right in front of us. I am pretty good about noticing the blessings in my life but I have many days where the clouds overpower the sun...It is my goal, and I am admonishing you all to participate in this challenge with me. We all have trials. I have trials that you prefer to never have and you have trials I would never want. That said, we also all have blessings. My challenge to you and for myself is to consciously recognize one blessing a day. Tell your friend, your mom, write it down, thank God, anyway you do it I want you do see them." This is coming from someone who yes, has a major trial that I hope we never have to face, and through all this she is still able to see her blessings. So I want to take her challenge. Because I do have so many blessings. I think that I let the clouds overpower the sun way too much. I want to change that. I want to be able to let my children and my husband and especially my Heavenly Father that I do notice my blessings and I am thankful for them.
Today I am feeling the blessing of my 3 wonderful children. I wanted to be a mom for so long. It was all I could have ever wanted in my younger days. And now that I am a mom, I know I take it for granted. I take my opportunity to be at home with them for granted. I get cought up in the everyday stress of keeping my house in order, and myself in order. And I tend to not stop and smell the roses. I tend to not stop and get on the floor and play a game with them. I tend to let my stress overpower their innocence and general happiness. I want to be able to enjoy them every day. I often wish I could be the kind of mother the prophets talked about having. One in particular Majorie P. Hinckley. She was such a happy, kind, loving person. She always had a smile on her face. I can imagine the kind of mother she was. An amazing one. I want to be that amazing mom. I know I am a good mom, but I want to be that amazing mom. A mom that my kids will turn to no matter what. That they can trust with their innermost darkest or brightest secrets. I want them to always KNOW that mom is here for them and that mom loves them. Through the good and bad. Mistakes and triumphs. I want to be that mom. Kids I love you more than anything. You have made MY life worth living. You kids are the reason my sun shines through the clouds! And I am so lucky and blessed to be your mom.
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