Saturday, October 5, 2013

Mitchell Life....NEVER A DULL MOMENT!!!

These first 2 pictures are of my sweet OakLeigh. She is now in SCHOOL!!! I am so lost with her gone. She is such a sweet, energetic girl. I cried when I left her in her classroom. YES, I WAS THAT MOM who had to walk all the way around the whole school with TEARS FALLING DOWN MY FACE! But she LOVES school and has learned so much. She is learning to read! And the first 3 days of school she could write her WHOLE name. Which I am so proud of because her name is really long and has really hard letters in it!!! Yay for OakLeigh! I love you sweet girl and am so proud of you!
Our Krypto dog was not feeling so super in the picture where she is asleep on the couch with Memphis. She had a "visitor" while we were on vacation in New Mexico and well you can see the result. She had 5 of the cutest puppies! And they all have homes to go to on November 18th! We are loving on them. It will break the kids (and Krypto's) hearts when they have to go! We had a massive snow storm hit on October 4th. It basically shut down EVERY road in or out of Wyoming. We got A LOT of snow. We had a snow day on friday and we played in the snow off and on all day. I went out for a while and the snow went to my knees. I think we ended up with 15 inches! Thank goodness for a great wood burning stove! It dried the snow clothes and kept us warm!! The kids all started school on August 19th. They all were able to get in to Evansville elementary together. It seems to be a good school. I was really worried that they were in the ghetto of the area. But the teachers they have are great and they all have some good friends!! OakLeigh has now lost 2 teeth and she has very calmly pulled them by herself. To compare to my other 2 kids, it was like they were in a warzone. They were screaming, thrashing around, crying...Not OakLeigh. She says she has a wiggly tooth and looks in the mirror and pulls and pulls till its gone! What a kid!

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