Friday, January 25, 2013

Our OakLeigh Lyndelle turns 5!!!!

I can't even believe my baby girl is 5 years old! Sheesh! Time has flown so fast. She is one unique kiddo. I honestly don't know any other like her. She is more energetic than the energizer bunny. She will run and run, very literally in circles, through the living room, play room, kitchen, jumps on the couch, back off, on her head, back to her feet, spins a circle and runs again. If she isn't doing that, then she is being a horse or finding something to turn into her horse...that she can ride. We were in the church cleaning and she found the coat rack. The church coat rack has hangers that are stuck to the bar so you can't take the hanger. Well she figured out that it is attached. Next thing we see is her hanging off the hangers swinging back and forth like a monkey. Until the hanger BROKE off and she went flying. Most kids that would be a red flag to stop. Not OakLeigh, she just finds another hanger. Until she sees us and our faces. Then she breaks down crying because she stopped to think and realizes that was the wrong thing to do. Oh but we love our non-stop on the go little girl. She is so kind hearted and loving. One evening, shortly after the shooting at the school in Connecticut, she must have heard me talking about it and how devastating it was. And how bad I feel for the parents of all those babies that were killed. I was going into the bedroom to kiss OakLeigh goodnight and got to listen to the sweetest prayer a 4 year old could possibly think of. She asked that all the bad kids would find the Christmas spirit so Santa could bring them just one present. Then right after that she asked to "please bless the sad parents that lost their babies in Connecticut." Brought tears to my eyes, first because she is so little and has heard of such a tragedy, and also because she thought of them and how sad their families are right now and wanted to make sure they were blessed. What a sweet girl I have.
Here is my OakLeigh only 3 weeks old. She was such a pretty baby.
As you can see she already had quite the personality at about 15 months old!
She LOVED playing on the old tractor at our old house in Rozet.
Here she is this year. She has grown so much!
Happy Birthday my sweet girl! We love you so much!

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