Friday, November 2, 2012

2nd day of Thanksgiving

I have thought a lot about what I am thankful for. I think one of the greatest blessings in my life is that we still have Brandon here with us on this earth. We are just a few months short of the 1 year anniversary from his accident at work. I look at all the prayers and fasting done and said on his behalf, and it still brings tears to my eyes. Words can not express how thankful I am that his life was spared. When he was put on life flight, it was determined that he had 3rd degree burns. And the EMT's didn't think that his left ear was going to be able to be saved. When I arrived at the burn unit in Colorado, I was told that we should expect a 4 week stay. But Brandon received a priesthood blessing and was told that he would heal quickly and all would be well. I know that miracles exist today. I KNOW that because of the prayers said, and his blessing administered, that his diagnosis changed to 2nd degree burns. Which requires no surgery. It is more painful because all your nerves are exposed from the burn, but healing is quicker and no skin grafts needed. We were discharged from the hospital 4 days after arriving. I know it was not a mis-diagnosis. I know he had 3rd degree burns, but through the grace and mercy of our Heavenly Father, he was healed and we received our MIRACLE. Brandon has had a rough life as far as the physical sense. He and his twin were born at 24 weeks gestation. His twin passed away a few days after birth, but Brandon's life was spared. He is a fighter. He had a terrible car accident on the Broadbent ranch in high school, but again his life was spared. Besides these things and numerous surgeries due to conditions from being a premature baby, and then this burn accident, he has been blessed to remain with us on this earth. Heavenly Father has a great mission that he has not fulfilled yet. He has a far greater purpose to do here than even he realizes. He is a wonderful father. The kids love him so much. He leads our family with love and a gentle hand. It takes a lot for him to get mad and yell. He rarely spanks the kids. He is a wonderful husband. He treats me like a queen. Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve his love. I am forever and eternally thankful for him and his dedication to our family. I wouldn't be able to raise our kids without his guidance. I am so thankful he is a worthy priesthood holder. We love him so much and are so thankful for him and all he does for us.
Here we are!~
This is Brandon the 2nd day at the burn unit in Colorado.
Here he is today. Our miracle. He has no scarring. His left ear doesn't even look damaged. The wind still burns his face and hands. But we are so very blessed.

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