Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter in Big Piney Wyoming!

Well we have moved from Rozet to Big Piney. We LOVE the town. I love that it is a small town and if I need to run to a store I can run in less than 3 minutes....(even if its a VERY SMALL STORE WITH LIMITED ITEMS) I love it here. I can see our family staying here permanently. Weylon has Mr. Miller as his Kindergarten teacher. And he LOVES that he has a "MAN TEACHER". He has to have patience of no other to be able to have a kindergarten class. He has 7 boys and 3 girls in his class. He loves going and comes home happy. I loved Mrs. Gutsche in Rozet, but this has been a positive change for him. Savanna has Mrs. Wood. She seems to like it. She stresses more than others though. Get this one...ok on the last day of school in Rozet, around 2ish, I get a phone call from the school counselor that Savanna is in her office quite upset. I asked if she was upset because we were moving that day. NO NO that is not the reason she was bawling up a storm. Out on lunch recess some very wrongly informed child told Savanna about global warming and how the earth was going to melt and we were all going to die. Savanna took it to heart and thought we were all going to melt and die. And boy howdy I will tell you she was in an uproar. Brandon finally had to go to the school and calm her down. I busted a gut laughing before they gave her the phone and I was still laughing a little. Only MY CHILD would have a melt down about global warming. Dumb old Al Gore anyways. HAHA

We sure do miss all of our friends from Rozet and the Moorcroft branch. We made so many that will last forever and we were so blessed to know so many good people. We had several show up to load the u-haul and help clean the house good for the Andersons and when we got to Big Piney over 15 people showed up to help unload. It was wonderful! I just finished unpacking a few more boxes today, but am in a defiant state right now because this house we are in is so crappy and I dont want to unpack here. But apparently Brandon and I are pretty picky in the housing department because this rental we are in now is a gem compared to the crappy ones we have seen so far. And this one is A DUMP! It puts a whole new level to the word trailer trash! HAHA But as Savanna keeps telling me, "mom be glad you have a home and don't live in the streets." So I will keep this attitude and try to suck it up and unpack and make this as much of a home as I can while we search for something better. Please pray for us that we can find something better too! So I won't post pictures of the house but I do have a few from coloring Easter eggs. I will post those. I am terrible this year, I didn't even get a picture Sunday morning of the kids in the new Easter dresses and ties. Or of when the Easter Baskets were brought on saturday evening. So here are the eggs and enjoy!

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