Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Well we have so much that has been going on! Brandon went back to work after having 2 months off from his accident. He went back the last day of February! But while he was home he went to Rock Springs to an MSHA class and job hunting. We have been praying a lot lately about where we should be and what the best place for our family is?! And we got our answer. It literally almost fell into our laps. He had someone call him while he was in Rock Springs and offer him a job in NORTH DAKOTA...So he called me on his break and said "you wanna move to ND?" I said, "HELL NO!" So that answered that question. haha Anyways, he was offered a job from the same company in Big Piney, Wyoming. MUCH BETTER! North Dakota isn't even a little bit appealing. Big Piney may be small and have no stores, but its in Wyoming. It has a good school system. If anything were to ever happen in either of our families, we would be close enough to go visit. Brandon leaves next week, so once again Brandon gets out of packing the house up. This is oh our 5th move since we got married 9 years ago, and I have had to pack up every time. But this time at least I am NOT pregnant. It makes a world of difference! However, he has a huge list of honey does to do in our rental in Big Piney before the kids and I move in. So it really does even out. We have the most wonderful branch here and we have made some life long friends. We will dearly miss you all so much! Kristin, Terra, Heather, Wendy I will miss our girls night out. You have NO IDEA how much it helps to get out and laugh and chat WITH ADULTS! And with such wonderful friends! I love you all and will be back for a lot of visits! We have been the recipients of a lot of love and service since living here. We lost our baby boy, while building our garage, and while I was in the hospital delivering him, the branch priesthood came and BUILT THE GARAGE FOR US! They finished it. How wonderful and thoughtful of them. When Brandon's brother, Trent, passed away, we had so many prayers, meals, calls, cards, etc...When Brandon was hurt a few months ago, we had meals brought for almost 3 weeks. We had visits. He had some buddies show up and take him out for a while. I will never be able to thank or re-pay all the love we have been given. I only hope that someday we can return it. Last night our branch threw our family a going away party. (I think they want to get rid of Brandon and the kids went, I had to stay home with Memphis because we found out yesterday he has RSV. But they brought home a HUGE card the whole branch signed, a book, other cards, cake, etc. But once again, I have received many calls today to see if they could help me since Memphis is sick. I have so many coming to help pack boxes, clean, paint. I really don't know that I will ever meet such a great group of people.

In other news, Weylon has had 2 bottom teeth that have been lose for several months. I finally held him down the other day and pulled 1 tooth out. He was screaming. Brandon was yelling at me to let him go. But the tooth was just a dangling. So I yanked it. He went to scream again and realized I was holding up a tooth and he got the biggest grin on his little face. The tooth fairy brought him $1.25. He was so excited. A week later, he had another dangler. I held him down and pulled that one. Once again, he was screaming, Brandon was yelling at me to let him go. I was laughing. I held up that tooth, and he was laughing so hard he couldn't stop the tears. He got $1.50 for that one. He is growing up. I took a few pictures. He looks scared to death and stoned. HAHA Gotta love my boy.

Savanna is having a bit of a hard time with this upcoming move. She is in 3rd grade. She is 8 years old. She is our social butterfly. She has so many friends because she has a heart of gold. So she is having a farewell slumber party at our house this friday the 9th. We made invitations and she handed them out at school yesterday. We told the girls to ride her school bus home with her on friday and the party would begin. I got a text of warning from a mom last night, she says, "did you know that friday is only a half day of school?" No, NO, NO I did not know that. So it looks like 10 little girls will be here starting friday at 100 and for the night! WHAT WAS I THINKING? HAHA We are going to be doing make overs, manicures and pedicures, watching movies, eating popcorn, karaoke, making ice cream sundaes, and eating pizza. Hope no one barfs on my floor. It should be fun! I will post pictures soon! Weylon and his dad are going to go somewhere fun while the girls party. Then the next friday Weylon and OakLeigh get to have 2 friends each stay over. (It makes it easy because they both like the same people). Then I really have to get busy with my packing and cleaning!

So this first picture: I came home from urgent care with Memphis last night. I walk in and look on the kitchen floor and see chunks of hair. I think OH NO! I follow the trail of hair which led down the hall into Weylon and OakLeigh's room and right to the closet door. I open the closet door to find this picture. A pair of scissors thrown down, and all OakLeigh's horses and barbies almost hairless. Some of them were scalped completely.

Here is another picture of the damage. And of course daddy had no idea.

This was Savanna's picture day today. She looked cute! She is getting so big!

Here is Weylon with his first $1.25 from his tooth fairy.

This is Weylon after holding him down and pulling his tooth the 2nd time! Poor kid I think I traumatized him! LOL

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