Well we definately started off 2012 with a huge bang! And a huge reminder of what is important! Sunday morning Brandon went off to work. The kids and I went off to church. After church around 12:15 I called Brandon. He was at his last well site, I was going to get gas because the suburban was empty. He said he would call me in a few minutes. The roads were extremely icy because of the storm the day before. I was driving slow. Tried calling him a few times. NO answer. Then just before I got on Adon road to head home, Brandons mom called me screaming. I couldnt understand a word she said except for that Brandon was hurt. Head to the hospital. I headed for home to drop the 3 bigger kids off with his mom so his dad could drive me in to town. We were both crying. He said that there was an explosion at an oil well site. Brandon was burned bad. We got almost to Gillette, praying the whole entire way, and dispatch called me to tell me they were going to life flight Brandon to Greeley Colorado to the burn unit there. I freaked out. You hear LIFE FLIGHT and automatically assume the worst. We actually got to the spot an hour later that the ambulance was and life flight was. We got to climb in ambulance and see him before they took off. He was already intubated and he looked bad. He was swollen and burned bad. We drove on to Greeley and it took 5 or 6 hours. It is all a blur really. Thankfully his sister Dusti lives in Fort Collins and was able to be at the hospital when he arrived. So glad he wasn't alone. When we arrived he was already scrubbed and very sedated. I have never prayed so hard in my life. I never want to think about how I am going to raise my kids alone again. But I didn't know how bad he was hurt. I didn't know if he was going to be ok. I didn't know if my prayers would be answered how I WANTED THEM TO BE! I am so thankful that Brandon is alive. I am so thankful he was given another chance. He says he must have 12 lives and that he was on his 9th. He has been through a lot and is so very blessed to be alive. His face, neck and hands are burned badly, but they are 2nd degree burns. He will heal fully. He doesn't have to have skin grafts. He is in pain and hurts, but he is so blessed. We are so blessed. I have such a wonderful branch. They were at my house immediately upon finding out and didn't leave Brandon's mom or my kids alone for a minute. My RS president, Penny, stayed here the whole time, day and night. We have groceries in our pantry, food in our fridge. Someone cleaned my house. Gifts were brought to my kids. Our animals were all fed and taken care of. We left in such a hurry we didn't even have baby food for Memphis. Our friend Clinton drove all the way to Greeley to bring us supplies. My parents left Texas (they were at Kel and Sara's house) and drove all night to be home. Then mom drove all day to be with my kids. Emily drove 6 hours to be there to help me with Memphis and to just be there for me. What a terrible way to start off the new year with such amazing results. We are so blessed. Brandon is alive due to so many prayers and the power of the priesthood. When the dr spoke to me Monday morning, he told me we would plan to stay 3 to 4 weeks. We left the hospital for home on Wednesday. Miracles exist. Prayers are heard. Trials bring out the best in people and we have been so thankful for it all.

1 comment:
I just started checking blogs again. I am so sorry to hear about Branden. I will start praying for you guys. I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you. I am so glad you are close to the Lord in times like these. We love you. Timber
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