Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Savanna's Birthday / Baptism and Memphis's Blessing

Savanna's birthday party. Sorry its a dark picture!

Savanna before her date with daddy at prime rib.

Savanna and Brandon going on a date!

Memphis Treyne blessing day

So much has happened! We had Savanna turn 8 years old on June 10th! I can't believe she is already that age! She had a fun birthday party. She had Malainey, Jordan, and Aaron come over. And we painted little glass things, and then had a treasure hunt outside. And sheesh, next time I will have to make like 50 clues. I did 11 clues thinking it would take them at least 20 minutes to do the hunt. OH NO!~ I was dripping in sweat cause I had to RUN to get the treasure hid before they found it. So I literally had 4 minutes...NOT ENOUGH TIME! Then we had her Rapunzel cake. Which didn't turn out too bad for me doing it! But the pictures I took were really dark, so we will see if you can see them or not! Oh and Daddy took her on a daddy daughter date to Prime Rib. She LOVED it and those of us left at home were all jealous we didn't get to go and have STEAK! But she got to have steak (which she usually WONT eat at home..) And they brought her a HUGE ice cream sundea with a candle on it. She thought she was cream of the crop for sure! Then we all went to see Judy Moody at the movie theater a couple days later. Which was really cute. And even better that there was only 3 other people in the whole theater besides us. So OakLeigh got to run around and didn't disturb anyone and I was able to rock Memphis and still enjoy the movie! All in all she had a great birthday! Then comes her Baptism. We did it June 25th. All my brothers were here. And my parents. It made it really special because all my family hasn't been able to be together for something special like that in a LONG time. I will post a picture of her cute program and the outline. Kyle and Ryan did a great job on their talks and Brandon and his Dad and Pres. Jones did great on the song. It was a wonderful day! The next day, the 26th, we were able to bless Memphis. That was also so SPECIAL because again, all my brothers and dad and Brandon's dad were able to stand in. That meant SO MUCH to me!

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