Saturday, May 28, 2011


So much has happened in the past month! Memphis is a month old! I will post a picture of him. He weighs 11 pounds too. He likes to eat eat eat! He is getting such a sweet personality going too. He is a pretty happy baby. His fussy time is 600pm-900pm. I still haven't braved him out to church yet though. It seems like everyone in the branch is sick, so we are waiting. Weylon finished preschool. I am so proud of him for sticking it out for the year. His teacher, Mrs. Reynolds sent home a picture she took of him the first day of school. I will try to scan it, so you can see the before and after. Poor little guy in the pic, his little eyes are swollen and bright red. His cheeks are bright red. You can tell it was hard on him and that he had been crying for a while. But throughout the year he did better and better. He actually got to where he enjoyed himself! AND HE CAN'T WAIT FOR KINDERGARTEN! WOOHOO! It will be so weird having him gone all day, but he is soo READY. He gets so bored with mom in the day. I hope it finally turns summer so he can get his energy out OUTSIDE!

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