Thursday, February 24, 2011

February 2011

I need to get a camera! The one we had on loan is back to its owner. So this one will be without pictures until I find ours! But wanted to update a little bit! We now have just 9 weeks left until our little boy is here! I am so excited! I can't wait to hold my healthy baby boy and love on him. My kids are starting to get is how I can tell. They keep asking me how long I will have to stay in the hospital. They ask this daily, usually atleast 5 times a day. See, my kids all suffer from severe separation anxiety! I HAVE NO IDEA WHY! HAHA well I have a clue, it is cause mom never goes anywhere without her the thought of me being gone at night for a few days is starting to wear on them already. Maybe by the time we go, they will be ready for it....HAHA. I feel for daddy at night. Its gonna be a few long nights for him. And I am gonna take complete ADVANTAGE of the hospital stay and let the nurses keep my sweeet baby boy until he needs me to feed him, and let them all pamper me for a while. I know when it actually gets down to it, I will want to be home though. Hospital beds are crappy, especially after a c-section. But still looking so forward to holding and seeing my sweet little boy! I am definately feeling my age with this pregnancy. True I am only 35 (COUGH COUGH), but a huge difference from 27....I was way more in shape then. Didn't have thyroid issues then. Didn't have this weight added to me then. I feel it. But am oh so very thankful we have been blessed with a great pregnancy, that so far so good on my health and baby's health, and I made it passed the 19 week mark when we lost Steven. Every movement our little boy makes brings tears to my eyes, cause I know he is growing strong. I feel very blessed! I am so thankful my Father in Heaven has trusted me one more time with another sweet child. Its also fun to see how excited the kids are for a new brother. Well almost everyone. OakLeigh still says "it is a GIRL. Not a boy." And she gets really mad when you correct her and tell her she is having another brother. But when he is here, and she gets to love on him, she will be excited. Savanna and Weylon are already making plans on how to help me. We have started a new chore list. They have to empty the dishwasher, clean off the table, (learning) to sweep, LOVE to mop (yay cause I hate hate hate mopping)...they also have started helping me sort laundry. And of course Weylon has already assigned himself the job of being my main vacuum man. I wont be able to vacuum for 6 weeks. You know the doctor tells you not to vacuum for that long after a c-section. And I always say, ya right, its just the stinking vacuum. So I start vacuuming early. And boy howdy do I ever pay for that. I wont do it this time. (haha laugh cause I know I wont' be able to NOT vacuum - that is one thing I do atleast 5 times a day)...But thankfully Weylon LOVES this chore and will do a great job for me! And I have already threatened every single member of this family that if I come home from the hospital and the house is a it usually is if I AM NOT THE ONE CLEANING 10 THOUSAND times A DAY, then I am either rechecking myself into the hospital, or going to the holiday inn until it is done! They have all PROMISED it will be as clean as when I leave. And I plan to do some serious cleaning before I go, so that I wont have as much to catch up on when I return. HAHA....

On another note, february has been a LONG month for us. We each got this nasty nasty flu. Weylon and Savanna got it. Then I got it. Then OakLeigh and Brandon got it. And man alive it took us out. I haven't hurt or felt so badly in a very long time. And it lasted for like 4 days each before you felt like you were gonna live...then we had about a 4 day break and we got another round of the flu. Started with Weylon, then went on to OakLeigh and then on to me, then Savanna....And this one was a bad puking one. Thankfully it was a 24 hour thing...But i think I had to shampoo more carpet this month than all year combined! Plus every stinking winter, since I have had my thyroid removed, I lose my dang voice. I pretty much have not had it (voice) right since November. And now I have moved on to another bad cold and cough. And losing my voice again. GRRR! But, other than that, we are doing good again! I am thankful february was the ONLY month this winter we had the flu! I know it has hit others harder than us. I also know it sounds like I whine a lot, but I am actually very grateful for our good health. And also even though I HATE THE STUPID FLU more than anything, I am thankful that its a time my kids can see the healing power of the priesthood. It is comforting to know that when my kids are miserable, they know enough to ask daddy to give them a blessing and that they have such faith that they can be healed. And also wonderful to know that they have a daddy willing, worthy and able to give a blessing at any time. Thank you for that Brandon. I am so thankful for you and all you do for us. He was a true star through the month. When me and the kids were sick, it all depended on him. He got us all hydrated, went around taking temps every hour. Giving out meds when needed. Running Weylon to the ER at night, in a massive snow storm. He does a LOT for our family and I appreciate him. Especially cause after his great care, he got it. And I was still down, so couldn't help him...and he missed 3 days of work...

All in all, our year has been good so far. I have a lot of blessings in my life. I DO recognize all I have. I DO know that it is all from my Heavenly Father. I DO know HE is aware of all our needs, trials, and desires. I DO know He is watching over my baby boy. I DO know He is helping me through this pregnancy. I SEE His hand in all things. I FEEL His love. I KNOW He is here for me. Life is good! Smile more! Hug and hold your kids more! Kiss and Love your spouse more! We really do have a LOT to be thankful for!!

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