Friday, January 21, 2011

OakLeigh Lyndelle Mitchell is 3 years old!!!

OakLeigh was soo excited for today! We ended up driving to Gillette to grab some pizza from pizza "hunt" and she fell asleep on the way there. When we got home, she was mad cause we had to wake her up. So she screamed all through dinner and then stopped when we lit her candles. And giggled and kept saying, "I'm so cited" while daddy put together her dora bike. I dont have a picture of her with that yet. She LOVED her "pwincwess dress and shoes" and wobbles on the high heels all day. I am so thankful for our Oakie. She is such a blessing to our family.

And 1...2...3...BLOW out those candles!

Here is our "PWINCWESS" Dress and High Heals

Opening up her presents! SOOOO "CITING"!!

Well OakLeigh turned 3 today! Wow! Time shouldn't go this fast! She sure is a joy to our family! I have to babysit a bit late tonight, so we decided to take her out to eat to her place of pick on Wednesday evening. She chose Applebees. They sang to her, about 8 waitresses, she ducked down and hid, but when they told her they had brownies (her favorite) and ice cream her head popped up and she had the biggest grin! She was so excited!

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