I kept in the back of my mind to post a blog dedicated to all the fathers in my life, on or around fathers day. I keep forgetting. Well now my dad is really on my mind lately. He has gone through a lot in his life. From getting diagnosed with diabetes as a small young child, to joining a church his family didn't really approve of, to colon cancer. My dad is a hero to me. Through all of his trials in his life, I have never heard him complain. I have never heard him speak badly of what he has had to go through. He has always worked very hard to provide a good life for me and my family. He missed a lot growing up, because he did work so hard for us. Yet, he still managed to be their for us to all the important events in each of our lives. Dad I love you. I want you to know that you are a great example to me. I love the story of how you joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I love telling that to my children. I think its a great legacy you started for our family. I am so very thankful you listened to the missionaries. That you were open enough to hear and feel the spirit testify to you the truthfulness of the Gospel. I know that because of your decision so many years ago, that our family is stronger rooted in whats important. And you and mom were able to be sealed in the temple for time and eternity. I am so thankful to know for a surety that we have the keys to be an eternal family. That is the greatest gift and blessing anyone could ever have. Dad I want you to know that we NEED you to take care of yourself. I NEED you to be around for a LONG time. The kids all need their grandfather around. Mom needs you to grow old with. We as your kids need you for guidance and direction. Believe it or not dad, we all look up to you and admire you for what you have gone through and endure health wise also. It scares me to death when mom calls and tells me how she had to call the EMT's for you again because your sugar got too low. Take care of yourself dad!~ Or your going to start getting phone calls every hour from EACH of your kids every day that mom is on her trips! For your own sanity, and peace from the phone's constant ring, you need to watch yourself better! I love you dad. You are one of my hero's in my life. I admire you and look up to you. I appreciate you so much. When we lost our little Steven, and you made the most beautiful little coffin for him, and you and mom drove all the way here for us. It meant more to me than you will ever know. I love you and am so thankful you are my dad!
Other important dads in my life are my grandfathers. I have had the opportunity to know several! I knew Grandpa Felkins, Popo Elkins, Papa Clawson, and Papo Elkins. Each grandfather has given me such wonderful memories. Memories that I continue to share with my children today!
One other very important dad is Brandon. He is my better half. He is such a wonderful father to our children. I couldn't have chosen a more patient and loving father for my children. It takes a lot for him to get mad and yell at the kids. And it takes even more for him to spank them. I admire that because I am first to yell and spank. I love watching him get on the floor and wrestle around with them. In fact, Brandon is the one who broke the frame on our old couch cause he was running and jumping around with the kids. Brandon has also gone through a lot in his life. He was a miracle baby, his mother was only 24 (or 26) weeks pregnant with him and his twin, Duane when they were born. Duane died after a few days of life. But thankfully Brandon was a fighter and he fought his way out and has lives a great and admirable life! I am so thankful that my Heavenly Father led me to him. I received a blessing from my bishop in Lyman the end of April 2002. And I was promised that once I got my life in order, and put my priorities in line, and started doing what I knew to be right, I would find my eternal companion! And I kid you not, within a week of this blessing from my bishop and my decision to start taking temple prep classes, I met Brandon. And 5 months later we were married in the Bountiful temple. And I know that I made the right decision 7 (almost 8) years ago. I am happy. He is a good father and husband. He tells me he loves me several times a day. He always tells me I am beautiful. (Even though I tell him I am glad he can only see me with one eye, otherwise he might run!) He always makes sure his family is provided for before himself. Times might have been hard financially in the first 5 years of our marriage, but we stayed close to our Heavenly Father and tried to follow the Spirit in all we did. We were definateley led to where we are today. We are here in Rozet because we are supposed to be. Our Father in Heaven wanted us here and that's why we are here. We are happy. Our kids are healthy. When we lost Steven, and I was in the hospital in labor with him for 2 1/2 days, Brandon NEVER left my side. The nurses brought him food to the room. He stayed right by me the whole time. And he was my rock and support in that very difficult time. I love you Brandon. You are my better half. You make our lives happier, better, more fulfilled!
So to all the dads in my life: My dad, grandpa, popo, papa, papo, Kelly, Chris, Tom, Ryan, Lon, and Brandon..(and so many more I cant really name them all) .I love you. I am thankful for you. You have made my life better.
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