Sunday, March 21, 2010

Well I have got to tell on my sweet husband. I know he probably wont ever read this...ok he will but it will be a while, so he will laugh then. So we finally got to go to the LDS bookstore in Billings Montana. And he found a book and was so excited about it. Its called Mormonville. Well he has been glued to it for the past 2 days. And every once in a while says, "I love this book". Well he was reading away today, and I was in the kitchen cleaning. And Savanna had a special box out that she was decorating daddy with. (Because he was so into his book he didnt realize it.) But he had a pair of little girl panties on each ear, a blue flower clip in his hair, and a couple of random things stuck to him. Well as I am cleaning, I hear sobbing. I thought, what the heck did those kids do now. So I walk into the living room to find Brandon, bawling his little eyes out. And all 3 kids were standing around him trying to hug him. It was a really cute moment. I wish I had gotten the camera out. Just cause, he was literally bawling and sobbing about this book and the way the story had turned. Little care bear panties on each ear, hair clips in his hair and tears a falling. It was a good laughing moment for me. But unfortunately before I knew it, he had me crying too. I dont even know what happened in his book that was so sad, but I cant see someone cry and (apparantly) not join in. Anyways, he had a good bawl and the kids were trying so hard to console him. It really was hilarious. Brandon I love you!

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