Sunday, March 21, 2010

Well I have got to tell on my sweet husband. I know he probably wont ever read this...ok he will but it will be a while, so he will laugh then. So we finally got to go to the LDS bookstore in Billings Montana. And he found a book and was so excited about it. Its called Mormonville. Well he has been glued to it for the past 2 days. And every once in a while says, "I love this book". Well he was reading away today, and I was in the kitchen cleaning. And Savanna had a special box out that she was decorating daddy with. (Because he was so into his book he didnt realize it.) But he had a pair of little girl panties on each ear, a blue flower clip in his hair, and a couple of random things stuck to him. Well as I am cleaning, I hear sobbing. I thought, what the heck did those kids do now. So I walk into the living room to find Brandon, bawling his little eyes out. And all 3 kids were standing around him trying to hug him. It was a really cute moment. I wish I had gotten the camera out. Just cause, he was literally bawling and sobbing about this book and the way the story had turned. Little care bear panties on each ear, hair clips in his hair and tears a falling. It was a good laughing moment for me. But unfortunately before I knew it, he had me crying too. I dont even know what happened in his book that was so sad, but I cant see someone cry and (apparantly) not join in. Anyways, he had a good bawl and the kids were trying so hard to console him. It really was hilarious. Brandon I love you!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My kids say the darndest things!

Well I am so new at this whole blog thing. Who knows if I can even set it right, but here goes. I have to get this in writing or I will forget it someday. I think I have the 3 wildest children on the face of the planet. It all started with Savanna, who actually is my mellow one. But then there is Weylon who feeds off of OakLeigh, who feeds off of Weylon. So when they get going and if Savanna is home from school, it is a big feeding frenzy and by the time they are done my house is a wreck, my voice is gone frome yelling and my hair is all pulled out!

So I babysit here at home so that I can pay my student loans. (AAAAGh, ok I wont get started on that one right now...) Anyways, this last week has been absolutely beautiful outside. SPRING is coming!! Well I wanted the kids to take full advantage of the warm weather. So I sent Weylon and Curtis out. They were doing fine and I could see them laughing and playing trucks,, riding bikes and pulling each other in the wagon. I was doing the dishes and I could hear them laughing OVERLY loud. That usually means trouble with a 4 and 3 year old. So I look out the window, sure enough, pants and underwear are DROPPEd to the ground, they are facing each other and peeing away. Laughing as if running in the sprinkler or something. Apparantly it doesnt get old for little boys to see how far they can pee, and heck if it hits your buddy...EVEN BETTER? Something I will never fully understand, cause just the thought of even a trickle of my own pee hitting my leg would make me squirm. But with boys, well they have a totally different way of thinking. So I go out, get their little pants up and belts on and tell them that is not acceptable. They cant do that anymore in the front yard. Well they took that to heart, and when the urge to pee hit again, well they took it out of the front yard to the back...?? Again, I could hear uncontrolable laughter, and look out to pants and unders dropped to their ankles peeing on anything they could hit. Dogs, Cats, Toys, you name it, I believe it was hit that day!

Well then their is my little OakLeigh. She is one of a kind. She is the fastest little stinker on the planet. I coudlnt find her, calling her name, looking around the play room, ect. I hear some clinking going on in my room, so I sneak in, sure enough she managed to climb her little monkey self onto the sink, get into my lipstick. Which I dont wear cause its a color stay one, and so the wrong color. Its like a dark dark mauve. So she found it, and sure enough decorated her little lips (chin, mouth, cheeks, eyes, nose and nostrils) with this beautiful dark mauve COLORSTAY stuff. IT doesnt come off for ANYTHING. Well I say, "BOO" and she threw the lipstick and leaped off the sinktop and ran for her life, all along yelling, "nananana I got prwety wips, nanananana". Well I stick her in timeout, and now Raelee is crying. (she is a 10 month old sister to curtis I babysit). So I tell Oaks to stay in timeout, and go get Raelee. Come back and Oaks is gone. Well I had to change her bum and realized oaks is nowhere. Well, now to find her? Guess where? She figured out how to open the sliding door (from a locked position and it takes muscle to get that thing open too) but nonetheless, she got it open and took her little self out the back steps to our POND of MUD. (The snow is melting off and the back yard for now is covered in ankle deep mud water.) So she was out there covered in mud. Snuk back into the house, realized she was covered in mud so she rubbed her dirty little self all over the carpet, couch, recliners...trying to get clean before I got her. And of course, the shampooer is out of soap and the belt is burnt out, so I cant clean it good yet. And what does she say? "I lub you mommy. Am I in timeout? "

Then their is Savanna. Who trys so hard to do the right thing. We had gone out to eat at a mexican resturant in Gillette. I was wanting to try something different. So when It was my turn to order, I told the guy I wanted a vegetarian burrito. Savanna looks at me funny and thinks. Well, she looks at me again and says, "you are going to eat an animal doctor burrito? gross mom". haha Poor kid, I am sure that did sound gross to her little 6 year old mind! Then on Sunday there is a gal that is 14 or 15. She had on a very short dress that had barely spaghetti straps. Savanna looks at her and just stares for a while. And of course she waits till the quietest time of the meeting to say, in a 6 year old whisper, so basically it was a slight yell, since I was 5 people from her, "MOM, (pointing at the gal) she has on a dress that we ARENT SUPPOSED TO WEAR!" And then Weylon realizes the light switch is behind us and hits the switch. Great. This is going to be a day of testing mommies patience! haha

As Brandon keeps reminding me, "your gonna miss this". And I know I will....someday. I love my kids and so thankful I am home with them.