I have been terrible at keeping my blog up to date. My first and only intention of blogging was to keep a sort of journal so some day I could print it off and give it as a book to my kids. So far I don't know that this is a book they are gonna want to read if I can't keep it up to date! So here goes! Christmas was AMAZING! Brandon had 10 days off and we LOVED every minute of it. I don't think he really enjoys having that many at home days, but we enjoyed him being home. The kids all seemed to really have a great Christmas! It was even better because they were all asleep by 10 pm on Christmas eve and they SLEPT ALL NIGHT! HOLY COW! They actually had to wake me up at 5 am! I got a great night sleep and was ready to have a good day! Much different than last year, when they started to get up from 11 pm and every 30 minutes all night long. UGH. I was so miserably tired Christmas day it wasn't even fun. I will post some pics of all the loot the kids got. It was also nice for Brandon and I because we were smart this year and SAVED and had Christmas money set aside. We had ZERO financial worries that usually accompany Christmas shopping. It was smart, nice and we will always save. I mean, we know Christmas rolls around every year on the 25th of December. That never changes, but our way of thinking has!
A few days after Christmas our dear and wonderful friends from Big Piney came and stayed a few days. It was the highlight of our holiday break! Savanna, Maggie and Ashley are best friends. Weylon and Natalie are best friends. (Even though neither one would admit to it, they sure had fun together...) And of course OakLeigh and Chelsea are two of a kind. And Memphis just loves them all. We also sure enjoyed Spencer and Amy. It was nice to have a friend again. I feel very lost here in Casper. I don't have too many people to call or talk to here. So it was a lifesaver and the revamp I needed! We took the kids of Casper mountain sledding. It was fun till the fog decided to set in and we couldn't see the top of our mountain or the kids at the top anymore! We also went to Golden Corral for a dinner. The kids LOADED up on more junk food and cotton candy than was necessary for 10 years put together. But hey, it was a celebration and I wasn't going to fight that battle.
OakLeigh had her 6th birthday. She LOVED it all. She got up at 430 am and was ready to roll. She got a new outfit and new cowboy boots. (She is very hard on them and her other pair only lasted her 5 months...) And she got a kindle fire. She LOVED that the most. I am NOT a big fan of electronics, I would rather have a book to read and turn the pages on, but the kindle fires work as great leverage to get the kids to get their homework and chores done! And it has proven to work wonders with OakLeigh also! She picked chicken pot pies for her birthday dinner. Which I was ok with. It was simple and easy. I was just shocked it wasn't peanut butter and jelly or tuna fish and crackers. She had cupcakes sent to her class in school and she had a frozen OLAF birthday cake. I tried. That's all I can say about the decorating of that cake. She had a cute gal, Presley and her family come over also. It was a fun night and she crashed hard after it was over!
And now coming up in a week Weylon turns 8 and is getting baptized on his birthday! I can't even believe that he is that age already. We have had the missionaries come over 1x a week for about a month now to give him the discussions. He is excited and nervous. He had his interview with our Bishop Higginson yesterday and he is ready to roll!
We are doing great. Brandon started the new year off with NO ACCIDENTS. After that one a couple years ago, we hold our breath and DO NOT LET HIM LEAVE THE HOUSE on new years day anymore. (HAHA...seriously though.) The kids are thriving at the Glenrock elementary school. The more they progress their, the more I know it was a guided decision to move them over. My nerves are on high because I am so afraid we won't find somewhere to live over there in 5 months. That is my biggest worry. I scan the paper daily looking. We have one more year to rent and our dream house will be ours! I feel like Glenrock will be our home to settle down in forever.
I thought I would add, NO those are not Weylon's real teeth. LOL He found my halloween stash and came out of my room with those on. He wore those for a week strait over Christmas break. HAHA funny kid!