Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Blast from the Past

So when we were at Ryan and Amber's house in Lovell for Maddie's baptism, mom brought a huge thing of all these old pictuers. I took all these to scan and walla, here they are. Its a blast from the past for some of us! Makes me miss the old times with all my cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents....Miss being a kid again! Good times!
This first beautiful baby is ME! I am 6 weeks old. Then Betsy and Seth...and of course Nano and Papo.
Daylene, Erin and Natalie. We were at a Clawson family reunion. Momo and Papa. Natalie, Erin, Papa, Daye, Alan, Momo, Tyler, Julia, Bryce
Kileigh at a clogging competition, look at those LONG legs! Erin and Lexi and OT at the Manti temple.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Oh what a day!

Well what a day! And its only 9:37 AM! What the heck! So Savanna wakes up with a weird rash all over her body. She had it the other day and I took her to the doctor...Along with the rest of the kids. We have all been fighting a bad cold and cough. Well doc says its just a rash. It went away. But today was terrible. She ends up having fifths disease. No big deal. But Savanna is going through a few things right now. Everything is so DRAMATIC! SHE HAS A RASH..Which translates to Savanna, she is on her death bed! So anyways, she gets to celebrate her summer birthday with her class today. She she asked me to make pink cupcakes with pink frosting. Which I did. Last night after everyone went to bed. I was up until midnight because we live in such a great place and the stinking oven kept tripping off. Anyways, she was so excited. They turned out pretty darn cute. And Yummy! Because of course I had to sample one last night. It was midnight, I had the munchies. HAHA....Well we go to get in the car this morning to go to school and Savanna has both pans in her hands and TRIPS OVER THIN AIR~...It was in slow motion. The rubber made tote falls and splat. She looks at me and starts screaming NO NO NO! And throws the GLASS dish INTO THE AIR. Once she realizes that she did that she screams even louder and starts flailing her arms in the air. And my glass dish shatters to the ground. All cupcakes are ruined. Savanna's little heart is broken. But she feels worse for me cause she knows I stayed up late making them. So she falls to the ground crying how sorry she was. All I could do was hug her and tell her it was ok. (Because if anyone understands such grace...or the lack of is her momma!~) So the only store open in Big Piney at 800am is a gas station type store. Two boxes of cake mix and 2 tubs of frosting cost me $16.00! Sheesh! But I love my girl and so I am in the process of making MORE PINK CUPCAKES right now. So while I am making the cupcake mix up Memphis decides he can reach the table top. And he is standing up to it on his little tiny tippy toes and walking along it and grabs a pan of eggs from breakfast. He pulls it off the table. And sits in it. Eats a few bites, takes the bacon out of the pan and gives it all to Krypto (our superdog :). Pictures will follow because it was cute. So needless to say, I have a huge mess to clean up inside and still need to find a broom clean up the glass outside. But that will have to wait until Memphis is napping. We have been loving Big Piney. Savanna had a super hard time with the move. She has met with a counselor a few times and is doing WONDERFULLY now! Other than a few anxiety attacks here and there. She has been able to make it through a few weeks of school now with NO TEARS! YAY! I feel terrible as a mother that her pain is caused because we moved. But I know after prayers, Heavenly Father confirmed to us that this is were we need to be. It was a difficult move because we all had such great friends in Rozet/Moorcroft/Gillette areas. But when its right its right. And our house we live in now is a total mess. It has so many problems. The electrical is dangerous. The water machine actually got electrocuted. Thank goodness I could see the blue spark literally wrapping itself around the cord and jumped back. And thank heaven the kids were not by it. But it took the water bottle off the top! Brandon, MR. Fix it, is in the process of re-wiring ALL the electrical outlets. We found a home we can move into in August. We are praying that it works out. We went and looked at it last night. It is BEAUTIFUL!~ It is a 3000 sq ft home. There are 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, family room and a living room, and a sitting room as you first walk in the house. It sits on 2 acres. And its would be amazing to live in! So we are praying that it will work out. I can live in this 'great' house we are stuck in now until August if I know there is an end to it! :) And as Savanna tells me, 'mom you should be thankful you even have a house to live in right now. As bad as you hate it, you should be thankful you are not in the streets." She is a wise child. I am thankful we are together here. I couldn't be a single parent in Rozet while Brandon worked up here. It would have been so hard on me and the kids. Especially after his accident. So I am thankful for this house, even though I could complain about it all day and night! :)