Saturday, February 4, 2012

Weylon is 6!

I dont know what we were thinking having two birthdays so close after Christmas and to have Weylon's birthday only 11 days apart from OakLeigh. That's too much birthday cake in too little time! But I am so glad we have birthdays! Weylon was so excited! He got night vision binoculars and they are pretty darn cool. They are kid ones, but actually work in the dark. Brandon now wants a pair as do I! He got a couple car games, and a diesel log truck. Then he also got a bike helmet, a shark, as you will see in the pictures and a bike horn. I took it out the next MORNING and hooked that sucker to the bike just to get it out of the house! PHEW! It was loud! His cake turned out really cool if I do say so myself. It was a race track. I also made bright blue cupcakes with orange frosting and a blue #6 for his class. I wish I would have taken my camera to his class, but here are some pics. I Love you Weymore!