Monday, December 5, 2011

December 2011

My kids are just a crack up tonight....first of all, Brandon and I were in the laundry room trying to fix the washer. And I could hear the kids talking at the table. Weylon says to his sister, "when I grow up, I want to be Jesus." Brandon and I look at each other and smile. Then in the same breath he says, "or maybe a home depot worker." And our smile faded. HAHA What a hoot. And well I guess Jesus was a carpenter, so they do have something in common right?

Then we were getting the kids to bed, and Brandon had his little notebook on and was reading facebook. He says to me, "it amazes me how many people out there just can't grow up..." And well, he was referring to someone who is in mid 30's and acting like he was 16 still. But to Weylon, that meant a whole different ball park. He says, "so like a midgit dad? Cause midgits aren't very tall. They don't grow up to be too big." And once again, daddy and I busted a gut laughing.

Then I was telling Brandon about an email I got about onions. And how if you put an unpeeled onion in each room in your house, you could avoid getting the flu and other viruses. Savanna was listening to us. She pipes in, "a virus? I thought only computers could get a virus." Then I had to use a phrase I didn't think I was old enough to have to use until I was at least in my 50's....I said, "well Savanna back in my day, when I was a kid, we actually had viruses that had nothing to do with a computer." So then she had to get smart on me and say, "I know mom. You didn't even have computers when you were a kid. You didn't even have tv's either. Well you didn't have colored tv's anyways." Darn kids. HAHA. I still had to laugh.

Savanna was in charge of family home evening tonight. She picked something wonderful to do, and did it all herself. She had a big tree and hung it on a bedroom door. Then she made several Christmas tree ornaments out of paper. She then read us a story out of the children's friend about a family that wanted to remember Christ at Christmas time. So they made ornaments for a paper tree and wrote something on them that they knew about Jesus. And every day they would write something about Jesus and hang it on the tree. So that is what we did. She did a great job. I am so proud of her. On Sunday, I was sitting there during sacrament, and I look up to see her walk up to the front of the chapel and bear her testimony. It made me cry. It was short and sweet. But SO to the point. She has such a pure love of Christ. I love her innocence and purity. I am so proud of her. What a great thing to see your child bear her testimony to others for her first time!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas! We have up our tree! We have lights around the house! Even red lights on the outside of the house! And of course Christmas music is on basically 24/7! We LOVE the Christmas season! I even did most of my shopping this year on Amazon. But I still made Brandon go with me on black friday just for fun. He hates all the people, but that is the 1 time I LOVE it. But we went later on in the morning and didn't even have to wait in line or anything!

Santa sent a package to the kids and inside was a tiny little mailbox. If the handle is ever up, either Santa or one of his elves will have a letter in the box for the kids. So far Marlo and Oscar the elves have written to the kids. And also Santa himself! Marlo the elf even told the kids that he rode our Christmas train around the tree while we were at church! That got the kids really excited! I will post a picture of it all. It makes them behave so much better! So I owe a HUGE thank you to Jo Clause...She had a wonderful idea sending this to the kids!

Weylon has his Christmas program next week and then we only have 1 week left of school after that before the break! There isn't a whole lot of excitement at our house other than the hustle and bustle of Christmas...But I am so proud of my kids. They came home from school really excited about the Toys for Tots program. They really wanted to be able to donate some gently used toys for the less fortunate. So last night we got a box out and they went through all the stuffed animals we have. (A huge rubber tote full of them. Most of them are brand new!) And they filled the box for the kids! I am so proud of them for beginning to understand what it means to give and serve others. It makes me feel good. OakLeigh still didn't quite understand the concept, and she was pulling things out of the box just as fast as we were filling it. But eventually she did put them back in. Then they went through the pantry and filled another box of canned goods. It does a mother's heart good to see her own children wanting to give to others!

The kids wont leave the train or track alone so its broken apart again! But its so fun to have! Look close at Weylon you may be able to see his black eye. Savanna elbowed him last night. Poor kid! This is about his 8th black eye!

Santa's mailbox and 1 of his letters.

OakLeigh and Memphis being silly...