Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday Night Blues!

So Savanna got invited to a slumber party tonight. They picked her up at 945 this morning. And she got to go swimming. Well poor girl got FRIED! I feel so bad. Even the whites of her eyes are red. Anyways, I was a little ticked cause I gave them the WHOLE bottle of sunscreen. Should have used a little more apparently! Oh well. I was wondering if she was gonna be able to do the slumber party cause this would be basically her first time. (Her real first time was when I was in the hospital delivering Steven...NOT A GOOD TIME. She cried for hours that night. She hasn't been invited back. Poor girl. Poor family that had her.) Well Natalee and Savanna were so excited to sleep over tonight. Oh and Weylon and OakLeigh felt so bad cause they didn't get to go, so daddy hooked up the camper and was gonna have a slumber party with them in there. And I was SUPPOSED to get to sleep all by myself (with MEMPHIS) in my bed. And I was so going to ENJOY that! Heehee. Anyways, about 930ish I look outside to see the kids walking a crying Savanna home. She had her bag in hand and tears just a pouring down her little face. And Natalee was trying to be a good sport, but I know her feeling were hurt. But Savanna had a good cry. Decided she would try again another time. And went to the camper with daddy and the other 2 hoodlums. And I settle down on the couch with a good lifetime movie, popcorn and excited for some me time. Which lasted literally 15 minutes. In walks OakLeigh and Weylon. They are in my bed asleep. Savanna and Brandon are in the camper asleep. And Memphis is in his bed. And here I sit at the computer. Oh well, musical beds I guess. It was worth a try right! And I am so glad Brandon is such a good daddy to try to do something fun with them! Good night all. I better get some rest while I can!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I have no idea what I wanted to label this post as. All I know is, that I am so thankful to be so blessed. I was reading a blog off of my friends blog. The trials that this family has to face makes me so sad for them. But I feed off their strength. They are amazing people. To be faced with the death of a child, makes my heart ache terribly. As a mother, its my worst nightmare. Makes me want to hold my children so tight and never let go. To have a protecting hand on their every move. So I was sitting here with tears streaming down my face thinking about this family. And realized that my Heavenly Father feels for me how I feel for my children. I mean, I have always known and felt my Heavenly Father's love, but the way you view that love changes when you become a parent. And I sit here this morning, with an overwhelming warmth of love and peace. I am so thankful for that feeling. No matter how alone I might feel here on earth at times, I always have a loving Father in Heaven no more than a prayer away. And to know that He loves me as much as I love my children is very comforting. To know that I (we) have someone rooting for us, cheering us on, holding out His hand every moment of every day is awesome. Something I am so very thankful to know. And so thankful that He has His hand reached out to my children as well. Makes me realize how blessed I am.

Thursday, July 21, 2011