Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Poor kitty.....

Well this is kind of gross but I had to post this so someday when I print all this off, my Weylon can read this about himself. So we seem to go through cats like toilet paper. I don't honestly think I can count how many pet cats we have had since we moved to Rozet almost 4 years ago. But the last 3 we had, have lasted almost a year. Today the garbage man came, the one nice cat was fine just before he came. OakLeigh had been carrying him around. He was letting us all pet him. Garbage man left, I was in the garage cleaning the car out. I could hear it meowing, but thought it wanted me to pet it. I didn't. I came in and Brandon went outside. He comes in, says, "Erin, come check this cat. Tell me if she is in labor." (She wasn't pregnant). I think she got nicked by the garbage truck on her back end. So he took it to the back of the field and shot her so she wouldn't be suffering. Weylon of course heard and saw him put it in a bag and throw it away. He just came and asked me "mom are we gonna skin the cat and cut him up and eat him for dinner?" Now can you say GROSS? I had to laugh though, I said, "oooh Weylon thats gross. Do we really eat cats for dinner?" He says, "well we could." So I will leave it at that. On another note, he had kindergarten screening today! WOOHOO! I can't believe he gets to go to school everyday all day next year! He is excited! I am so glad he got to do preschool this year, to get him used to being away from me for a little bit!