Monday, June 28, 2010

My better half!

I just wanted to shout out to my sweetheart how much I love you! I know that life with me isnt always easy. I realize I have the temper from HELL and am really working on that one! But I want you to know how blessed I am to have you in my life. I never thought I would have the opportunity to be married or have children. I just didnt think that was in the Lord's plan for much as I wanted that. But I am so very blessed with you in my life. And with the most 3 amazing children. I love you and them more than I can express. Thank you for putting up with me and my crap all the time. And for always supporting me and loving me no matter what. I love how you love me. Thank you for all you do for me.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


I have so much to blog about! We (me and the 3 kiddos) had our summer trip to New Mexico to visit my parents, granny and jo. It was so great! I can not express how much I NEEDED that break when it came. I was so burnt out with babysitting and things, it couldnt have come at a better time for me! The kids and I loaded up at 500 am on June 11th and I DROVE ALLLLLL DAAAAY LOOOOONG!~ We arrived at my parents at 830pm...It was the longest stinking drive of my life. Not to mention that Savanna got carsick and we had to keep stopping to puke along the way. Unfortunately we didnt make it to stop a few was gross. So when we arrived to Rawlins we stoppped at ALCO and I bought my traveling lifesaver...dramamine! WOOHOO! I gave a half to all 3 kids and we were traveling along...about 30 minutes after the drugs...and I looked Oaks and Weylon and they were so passed out their little heads were down to there knees, cheetos were still in hand, and drool city. In fact I stopped and checked the pulse on them after a while cause they didnt move from that position for so long! haha. Unfortunately it didnt work on Savanna. The ONE WHO WAS CAR SICK! She puked out the pill and chatted the entire way to NM! We had so much fun at Nana and Pa's house too. Em and the kids where there and they had so much fun swimming in the big pool and playing! Me and Em had a great time visiting like old times. Poor mom had had surgery on her foot and she was in quite a bit of pain still, so we helped as much as we could and as much as she would let us. She is quite stubborn in that department. Weylon and Porter (KiLeigh's oldest boy) had so much fun together. They played cars and on the "tweeter twotter". Porter called Weylon dude and Weylon called Porter buddy. It was really cute. One of the highlights was going to the ALB temple with mom and granny to get Stoney's temple work done. That was so special. You could feel the spirit the moment we sat down in the chapel. Granny had Chesley do the work. It was so amazing to be there for that special day. And the fact that I hadnt done session for so long. It was a good spiritual feeding for the day! And Aunt Jo took my 3 kids to Toy Story 3. It was the highlight of their trip! She got them popcorn, drink and candy! And they are still talking about it!
Well, when I got home Brandon had quite the surprise too! He had been himhawing about getting a camper for a while now. So he did it. And we took it camping this weekend to Sturgis and it was GREAT! There was a bluegrass festival. So there was good food, good music and a nice place to sleep too! Cant beat that kind of camping! On the way home, Weylon was whining and fussing a storm up. Brandon said, "knock that off or I am gonna stop and let you out of this truck!" Well OakLeigh didnt like that at all and shouted to daddy, "Dont you throw WeyWey out. He's my freind!" And then she grabbed his arm and scolded daddy. It was great. Then Savanna saw Brandon give me a kiss and she said with her toothless grin, 'ooh daddy you can kiss and hug and have a romantic time together". Where do they come up with this stuff? It was cute though! All in all, it has been a great past few weeks. We now have this week to prepare for the Felkins Family reunion. We are all meeting over at moon lake in utah. I am excited to see all my brothers. Let the kids all play together. And see my parents again. And one of the best parts is, is that we have a camper this time. I wont be the one so stinking sore from the dang ground and having a rock in my back all night! WOOOHOOOO!
Thats been my life in a nutshell the past few weeks. Will post again after the reunion. Maybe I will actually remember a camera for that one. I didnt have one at all for my parents house. I hate it when that happens! See you in the funny papers!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fun Memorial Weekend!

Well my good friend from USU flew over from Utah friday night! We have had a really great time! On saturday we loaded us all up and went over to Devils Tower and hiked around it! Something we have never done...The kids LOVED it! And it was a perfect day. The sun was out and shining but not too hot! AND THE WIND WAS A GENTLE BREEZE! It was about 65 degrees! It was a prefectly beautiful day. Then on Memorial day we packed a cooler up, loaded us all into the truck and headed over to Mt. Rushmore. And along the way stopped at an old ghost town museum and at the flinstones theme park. Took some fun pics. Stopped at crazy horse, just as they did a blast on that work of art! That was neat! And then on to Mt. Rushmore. That was a great experience for us and the kids! And what a great day to do that! Then tonight we went to the new rec center pool in Gillette! The water was warm and FUN! Even Brandon did the water slide! But he got major road rash on the way down...needless to say, it has been a great past few days! And today my cousin Lexi became a momma! Something that she has wanted all her life! I know Aunt Betsy is so proud of her and watching over her tonight! Congrats to Lexi and Hector. Which leads me to my family...I am so thankful that I have a loving husband who is always so supportive of me. Who has the same belief system as I do. Who takes our commitment and covenants we made to each other very seriously. One of my friends is separating from her fiance...they dont believe the same as I do, but she is a good person and has 2 really sweet kids. And I am so sad for those 2 kids. They lost their family today. The only thing they have really known for the past 3 or 4 years, broke apart today and it makes me really sad for them. It makes me sad for the unknown future that they face. And makes me even more thankful for the family I have and the supportive and loving and caring husband I am blessed with. I wish her and those sweet little ones the best of luck. I pray someday she can find the happiness and love she is searching for...for her and her children.
Which also leads me to my Granny. She is in the hospital again. Granny dont give up! I wish you could see all that we see in you and have the desire to keep going on! I cant imagine all that you have gone through. You have lost 3 of your dear children. And your sweetheart. But I know that the trials you face here on earth are all for something far more wonderful than we could ever understand or comprehend. I know that our Heavenly Father knows your pain. I know He can hear you cry for your loss. I know that He will reward you for all you suffer in this life, because He loves you. And you will be ok Granny. I hope you get the will to keep going! Because we all love you and need you here!
Well it is about midnight. I really should get off to sleep. Good night for now!